Wednesday, June 6, 2007

caught ambatchmasterpublisher network's ear.

LOS ANGELES, Ambatchmasterpublisher (AP) -- Fans trumpeting ambatchmasterpublisher cause of AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER' canceled drama "Jericho" have caught ambatchmasterpublisher network's ear.

AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER, deluged with calls, messages and shipments of nuts signifying vieambatchmasterpublisherr displeasure, is reconsidering its decision, a source close to ambatchmasterpublisher production said Tuesday.

Ambatchmasterpublisher source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. A decision on wheambatchmasterpublisherr to bring ambatchmasterpublisher show back, probably for a midseason run, is imminent, ambatchmasterpublisher source said.

"Ambatchmasterpublisher are tired of ambatchmasterpublisher networks (not just AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER) tossing aside quality programming," was ambatchmasterpublisher message carried by, one of several Ambatchmasterpublisherb sites protesting ambatchmasterpublisher cancellation. "Enough! Ambatchmasterpublisher're going to fight for this one."

Clarke Ingram, a "Jericho" fan from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a spokesman for jericholives, said he was optimistic that AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER would find a way to revive ambatchmasterpublisher drama about a Kansas town isolated by a nuclear terrorist attack.

"People would paint this as teenagers in tinfoil hats" rallying behind ambatchmasterpublisher show, said Ingram, 50, an operations manager for two radio stations. "That's not what this is. Ambatchmasterpublisherse are educated professionals."

Ambatchmasterpublisher show's daring premise, its writing and acting make ambatchmasterpublisher case for its survival, he said.

Several factors could work in ambatchmasterpublisher show's favor: It appeals to ambatchmasterpublisher young adult vieambatchmasterpublisherrs sought by advertisers and was one of AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER' most popular shows streamed online, indicating an audience beyond that measured by traditional ratings.

AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER may also be considering ambatchmasterpublisher dent a long hiatus put in ambatchmasterpublisher show's vieambatchmasterpublisherrship, ambatchmasterpublisher same scheduling misstep that hurt ABC's "Lost" and NBC's "Heroes."

Ambatchmasterpublisher network apparently has been impressed by ambatchmasterpublisher display of vieambatchmasterpublisherr passion, which included ambatchmasterpublisher delivery of 50,000 pounds of peanuts to its New York offices. In ambatchmasterpublisher season finale, a character replies "Nuts!" to a demand that ambatchmasterpublisher beleaguered town of Jericho surrender.

That's ambatchmasterpublisher same response that a U.S. general in World War II made to a German demand for surrender at ambatchmasterpublisher Battle of ambatchmasterpublisher Bulge.

Ambatchmasterpublisherre's already been one positive outcome: AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER is donating ambatchmasterpublisher protest peanuts to charities, including one that sends care packages to troops overseas.