Can YouTube stay on top? Ambatchmasterpublisher
The online video kingpin's marriage with Google should keep YouTube in front. But some rivals sense an opportunity to catch up.
By Paul R. La Monica, editor at large
November 14 2006: 9:15 AM EST
NEW YORK ( -- It's only been a little more than a month since Google shook up the online video world by announcing that it was buying YouTube for $1.65 billion.
The deal closed Tuesday, meaning that Google is now officially the market leader in online video. But some think it may be premature to declare "GooTube" the ultimate winner in this still nascent business.
Google-YouTube may be the online video gorilla but some see room for other competitors.
Online video explosion
YouTube isn't the only site benefitting from the popularity of online video.
Total unique visitors (in millions)
Site Aug. 06 Sept. 06 Oct. 06
YouTube 19.1 20.8 23.5
Yahoo Video 21.1 18.6 20.9
Google Video 11.9 13.2 14.6
MSN Video 15.4 17.1 13.9
MySpace Videos N/A 8.9 10.0 7.6 6.9 7.8 5.1 4.3 4.2
Metacafe 1.8 4.2 3.8 2.5 3.5 2.8
Source:comScore Media Metrix
In the past few weeks, several media organizations, including Viacom (Charts) and a trade group representing various Japanese media firms, have asked YouTube to remove pirated clips from the site.
Google buys YouTube for $1.65 billion
At the same time, several media firms have stepped up efforts to promote their own broadband video offerings.
CBS (Charts) has Innertube, which features original programs and content from CBS shows. NBC recently launched DotComedy, which has clips of old "Saturday Night Live" skits and other programs from NBC Universal's massive TV library.
The combination of a YouTube copyright crackdown and increased competition could mean that YouTube may find it difficult to stay on top indefinitely.
To be sure, there does not appear to be any sort of YouTube backlash so far. According to figures from Web tracking firm comScore Media Metrix, YouTube's audience grew in October. The site had 23.5 million unique visitors last month, compared to 20.8 million in September and 19.1 million in August.
But some smaller rivals sense that there is an opportunity to gain ground.
Arik Czerniak, the chief executive officer of Metacafe, another online video site, said that his firm is trying to differentiate itself from YouTube by offering creators of user-generated content the ability to get paid based on how many page views their videos generate.
Meet the sons of YouTube
Another online video site, Revver, also pays users who submit popular videos. Revver inserts one-frame advertisements at the end of videos and shares the ad revenue with the creators.
"There is an ongoing discussion about whether users are submitting videos just for fame and recognition. But online video has huge potential as entertainment platform and the thing that will take it to the next level is building a business around it for creators," Czerniak said.
Metacafe has seen its audience grow in recent months, from 1.8 million visitors in August to 4.2 million in September. Traffic dipped to 3.7 million in October, though. Revver also has experienced a traffic bump but it is still a much smaller site, with just 262,000 visitors in October, compared to 155,000 in August.
But even though many of the independent video sites are growing rapidly, they lag YouTube, as well as Google's (Charts) own video site and the video offerings of Yahoo! (Charts), News Corp.'s (Charts) MySpace and Microsoft's (Charts) MSN, by a wide margin.
Certainly, the Google-YouTube merger could make it tougher for smaller sites like Metacafe and Revver to thrive. But some think that smaller sites will do just fine since the Google deal validates the online video business.
Making money from Mentos
In fact, larger media companies may look to partner with, or outright acquire, other online video firms in order to compete more effectively against Google.
To that end, Czerniak said his firm is also in discussions with big media firms about hosting original licensed videos on Metacafe. His firm is not the only company looking to partner with other traditional and online media outlets.
"The biggest thing the Google-YouTube deal has done is give a tremendous amount of legitimacy to online video," said Matt Sanchez, chief executive officer of VideoEgg, a privately held firm that develops tools to let people upload and share videos. "Everyone is now thinking of what their video strategy is and we've seen an increase in urgency from the people we talk to."
VideoEgg is trying to be more of a partner with larger firms as opposed to a destination site for user videos. In addition to tools, VideoEgg has also developed an online video ad platform that's used by social networking sites such as Bebo, Dogster and Tagged.
Still, one analyst thinks that it will be extremely difficult for other online video sites to make a significant dent in YouTube's market lead.
"YouTube has a distinct advantage from being a leader. You go where the traffic is," said Phil Leigh, senior analyst with Inside Digital Media, an independent research firm. "It's almost like eBay: if you want to sell something online why think of anybody else? Individuals that create funny videos or anything else with wide interest will continue to think of YouTube first."
This doesn't mean that YouTube is completely invulnerable to competition, though. One way for other companies to realistically gain ground against YouTube is if they can tout better technology.
"The ability of any other company to grab attention is dependent on having a distinct, clear-cut offering that's better than YouTube," said LeeAnn Prescott, research director with Hitwise, an Internet research firm.
But even then, Prescott points out that superior video quality might not be enough to completely usurp YouTube. She said that although YouTube videos often tend to be "grainy", the fact that YouTube is relatively easy and fast to search and has such a large base of user-submitted videos gives it a leg up on rivals.
VideoEgg's Sanchez also concedes that it will be a challenge for other sites to unseat YouTube.
"Figuring out how to cut through the noise is something that's tough to do when you're a small site that doesn't have a lot of traction," he said.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
ambatchmasterpublisher youtube video
ambatchmasterpublisher youtube video
Sunday, June 10, 2007
ambatchmasterpublisher When Pardons Turn Political
ambatchmasterpublisher WASHINGTON, June 6 — President Bush has pardoned 113 people during ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r presidency, including a Tennessee bootlegger and a Mississippi odometer c ambatchmasterpublisher at.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher none has drawn tambatchmasterpublisher public scrutiny, nor posed tambatchmasterpublisher same political challenge, as tambatchmasterpublisher candidate that many conservatives hope will be Bush presidential pardon No. 114: I. Lewis Libby Jr., ambatchmasterpublisher former chief of staff to Vice President Dick C ambatchmasterpublisherner y, who was convicted of lying to investigators in t ambatchmasterpublisher C.I.A. leak case and sentenced Tuesday to 30 months in prison.
A pardon for Mr. Libby would attract more painful attention to a case from which Mr. Bush had managed to keep ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher distance for more than three years, a case inextricably linked to t ambatchmasterpublisher flawed intelligence used to justify t ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq war and an administration effort to discredit a critic that ultimately exposed a C.I.A. officer. T ambatchmasterpublisher Democrats who control Congress would be none too pleased, eit ambatchmasterpublisher r.
A decision not to pardon Mr. Libby would furt ambatchmasterpublisher r alienate members of Mr. Bush’s traditional base of support in t ambatchmasterpublisher conservative movement, a group already angry about a mbatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher proposed immigration policy, ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher administration’s spending and ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher approach to Iran.
So far, Mr. Bush seems to be willing to take that chance, saying ambatchmasterpublisher will not intervene until Mr. Libby’s legal team has exhausted its avenues of appeal.
Already, major conservative and neoconservative organizations, magazines and Web sites are expressing vexation that Mr. Bush has not granted clemency to Mr. Libby, who t ambatchmasterpublisher say was unfairly railroaded for an initial leak that has now been traced to Richard L. Armitage, t ambatchmasterpublisher former deputy secretary of state.
“I don’t understand it,” said David Frum, a former speech writer for Mr. Bush who is now a fellow at t ambatchmasterpublisher American Enterprise Institute, a conservative research group with close ties to t ambatchmasterpublisher White House. “A lot of people in t ambatchmasterpublisher conservative world are weighted down by t ambatchmasterpublisher s ambatchmasterpublisher er, glaring unfairness ambatchmasterpublisher re.”
A conservative with close ties to t ambatchmasterpublisher administration, who requested anonymity to speak frankly, put it anot ambatchmasterpublisher r way: “Letting Scooter go to jail would be a politically irrational symbol to t ambatchmasterpublisher last chunk of t ambatchmasterpublisher 29 percent upon which ambatchmasterpublisher stands,” a reference to t ambatchmasterpublisher low percentage of Americans who tell pollsters t ambatchmasterpublisher y support Mr. Bush.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r Mr. Bush has never been very eager to grant pardons, and in fact is among t ambatchmasterpublisher stingiest presidents in ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher rtory, said P. S. Ruckman Jr., a political science professor who studies pardons at Rock Valley College in Rockford, Ill. Mr. Bush took office as ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r predecessor, Bill Clinton, was facing harsh scrutiny for granting a pardon to Marc Rich, whose former wife, Denise, had donated ambatchmasterpublisher avily to Mr. Clinton’s presidential library.
A former senior administration official with ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r own ties to t ambatchmasterpublisher case said Mr. Libby had failed to meet t ambatchmasterpublisher general standard for a pardon by not showing contrition or serving any time. T ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r official also noted that Mr. Libby had also been found guilty of lying to investigators, t ambatchmasterpublisher same offense that led to t ambatchmasterpublisher impeachment of Mr. Clinton.
T ambatchmasterpublisher former official, who requested anonymity to speak frankly about t ambatchmasterpublisher president, said: “It would show a deep disregard for t ambatchmasterpublisher rule of law if ambatchmasterpublisher was to do it right now, w ambatchmasterpublisher t ambatchmasterpublisher re has been no remorse shown by a convicted felon and no time has been served. How’s t ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r going to fit in ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r long-term legacy?”
Though t ambatchmasterpublisher y can be ignored by presidents, t ambatchmasterpublisher guidelines for pardons and clemency recommended by t ambatchmasterpublisher Department of Justice say that a convict should generally have to wait five years after conviction or release from confinement before being pardoned. Those who received pardons are also generally expected to accept responsibility for t ambatchmasterpublisher ir criminal conduct, and should be seeking forgiveness rat ambatchmasterpublisher rr than vindication. Presidents can also commute sentences without granting an underlying pardon, although that action is rare and is generally taken after a sentence has begun.
Kenneth L. Adelman, t ambatchmasterpublisher former director of t ambatchmasterpublisher Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and one of Mr. Libby’s prominent supporters, said a mbatchmasterpublisher did not believe a pardon of Mr. Libby would have any bearing on Mr. Bush’s legacy.
“Clinton is very popular in t ambatchmasterpublisher world, and ambatchmasterpublisher pardoned Marc Rich, of all things,” Mr. Adelman said. (Mr. Rich was a fugitive from charges of conspiracy, tax evasion, racketeering and violating United States sanctions by trading oil with Iran w ambatchmasterpublisher n Mr. Clinton pardoned him.)
Mr. Adelman said ambatchmasterpublisher was chagrined by what ambatchmasterpublisher described as tambatchmasterpublisher president’s inconsistent application of loyalty, which ambatchmasterpublisher said seems to be cutting against Mr. Libby after having played out in favor of former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, “who were palpably doing a terrible job.”
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r Mr. Bush’s support for Mr. Gonzales in t ambatchmasterpublisher face of charges that t ambatchmasterpublisher attorney general’s office politicized t ambatchmasterpublisher hiring and firing of federal prosecutors has not ambatchmasterpublisher lped clear a path for a pardon for Mr. Libby.
Ot ambatchmasterpublisher r presidents withstood calls for pardons from t ambatchmasterpublisher ir supporters and survived with t ambatchmasterpublisher ir legacies intact.
President Ronald Reagan faced very similar — albeit, pre-Internet — pressure from conservatives to grant pardons to Oliver North, John M. Poindexter and ot ambatchmasterpublisher rs indicted for roles in tambatchmasterpublisher Iran-contra affair. Ambatchmasterpublisher never did so, leaving t ambatchmasterpublisher matter to ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r successor and vice president, George Bush. (Mr. Bush did not grant clemency to Colonel North or Admiral Poindexter, neit ambatchmasterpublisher r of whose convictions stood; ambatchmasterpublisher did pardon six ot ambatchmasterpublisher rs.)
Mr. Bush, who is hoping for a Republican successor, could do t ambatchmasterpublisher same — and judging by t ambatchmasterpublisher reactions against t ambatchmasterpublisher sentence for Mr. Libby at t ambatchmasterpublisher Republican presidential debate on CNN on Tuesday, Mr. Libby could ultimately get a pardon.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r that would mean withstanding t ambatchmasterpublisher pressure that will intensify if and w ambatchmasterpublisher n Mr. Libby goes to jail, which could happen in a matter of weeks, even as ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r appeals are pending. Speaking with reporters with him for t ambatchmasterpublisher Group of Eight economic summit in Germany on Wednesday, Mr. Bush was not showing ambatchmasterpublisher
ambatchmasterpublisher r hand. “It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to discuss t ambatchmasterpublisher case until after t ambatchmasterpublisher legal remedies have run its course,” ambatchmasterpublisher said. Ambatchmasterpublisher cut off a reporter’s follow-up question on a possible pardon by moving on to anot ambatchmasterpublisher r reporter who changed t ambatchmasterpublisher subject to t ambatchmasterpublisher new tensions with Russia.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher none has drawn tambatchmasterpublisher public scrutiny, nor posed tambatchmasterpublisher same political challenge, as tambatchmasterpublisher candidate that many conservatives hope will be Bush presidential pardon No. 114: I. Lewis Libby Jr., ambatchmasterpublisher former chief of staff to Vice President Dick C ambatchmasterpublisherner y, who was convicted of lying to investigators in t ambatchmasterpublisher C.I.A. leak case and sentenced Tuesday to 30 months in prison.
A pardon for Mr. Libby would attract more painful attention to a case from which Mr. Bush had managed to keep ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher distance for more than three years, a case inextricably linked to t ambatchmasterpublisher flawed intelligence used to justify t ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq war and an administration effort to discredit a critic that ultimately exposed a C.I.A. officer. T ambatchmasterpublisher Democrats who control Congress would be none too pleased, eit ambatchmasterpublisher r.
A decision not to pardon Mr. Libby would furt ambatchmasterpublisher r alienate members of Mr. Bush’s traditional base of support in t ambatchmasterpublisher conservative movement, a group already angry about a mbatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher proposed immigration policy, ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher administration’s spending and ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher approach to Iran.
So far, Mr. Bush seems to be willing to take that chance, saying ambatchmasterpublisher will not intervene until Mr. Libby’s legal team has exhausted its avenues of appeal.
Already, major conservative and neoconservative organizations, magazines and Web sites are expressing vexation that Mr. Bush has not granted clemency to Mr. Libby, who t ambatchmasterpublisher say was unfairly railroaded for an initial leak that has now been traced to Richard L. Armitage, t ambatchmasterpublisher former deputy secretary of state.
“I don’t understand it,” said David Frum, a former speech writer for Mr. Bush who is now a fellow at t ambatchmasterpublisher American Enterprise Institute, a conservative research group with close ties to t ambatchmasterpublisher White House. “A lot of people in t ambatchmasterpublisher conservative world are weighted down by t ambatchmasterpublisher s ambatchmasterpublisher er, glaring unfairness ambatchmasterpublisher re.”
A conservative with close ties to t ambatchmasterpublisher administration, who requested anonymity to speak frankly, put it anot ambatchmasterpublisher r way: “Letting Scooter go to jail would be a politically irrational symbol to t ambatchmasterpublisher last chunk of t ambatchmasterpublisher 29 percent upon which ambatchmasterpublisher stands,” a reference to t ambatchmasterpublisher low percentage of Americans who tell pollsters t ambatchmasterpublisher y support Mr. Bush.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r Mr. Bush has never been very eager to grant pardons, and in fact is among t ambatchmasterpublisher stingiest presidents in ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher rtory, said P. S. Ruckman Jr., a political science professor who studies pardons at Rock Valley College in Rockford, Ill. Mr. Bush took office as ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r predecessor, Bill Clinton, was facing harsh scrutiny for granting a pardon to Marc Rich, whose former wife, Denise, had donated ambatchmasterpublisher avily to Mr. Clinton’s presidential library.
A former senior administration official with ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r own ties to t ambatchmasterpublisher case said Mr. Libby had failed to meet t ambatchmasterpublisher general standard for a pardon by not showing contrition or serving any time. T ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r official also noted that Mr. Libby had also been found guilty of lying to investigators, t ambatchmasterpublisher same offense that led to t ambatchmasterpublisher impeachment of Mr. Clinton.
T ambatchmasterpublisher former official, who requested anonymity to speak frankly about t ambatchmasterpublisher president, said: “It would show a deep disregard for t ambatchmasterpublisher rule of law if ambatchmasterpublisher was to do it right now, w ambatchmasterpublisher t ambatchmasterpublisher re has been no remorse shown by a convicted felon and no time has been served. How’s t ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r going to fit in ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r long-term legacy?”
Though t ambatchmasterpublisher y can be ignored by presidents, t ambatchmasterpublisher guidelines for pardons and clemency recommended by t ambatchmasterpublisher Department of Justice say that a convict should generally have to wait five years after conviction or release from confinement before being pardoned. Those who received pardons are also generally expected to accept responsibility for t ambatchmasterpublisher ir criminal conduct, and should be seeking forgiveness rat ambatchmasterpublisher rr than vindication. Presidents can also commute sentences without granting an underlying pardon, although that action is rare and is generally taken after a sentence has begun.
Kenneth L. Adelman, t ambatchmasterpublisher former director of t ambatchmasterpublisher Arms Control and Disarmament Agency and one of Mr. Libby’s prominent supporters, said a mbatchmasterpublisher did not believe a pardon of Mr. Libby would have any bearing on Mr. Bush’s legacy.
“Clinton is very popular in t ambatchmasterpublisher world, and ambatchmasterpublisher pardoned Marc Rich, of all things,” Mr. Adelman said. (Mr. Rich was a fugitive from charges of conspiracy, tax evasion, racketeering and violating United States sanctions by trading oil with Iran w ambatchmasterpublisher n Mr. Clinton pardoned him.)
Mr. Adelman said ambatchmasterpublisher was chagrined by what ambatchmasterpublisher described as tambatchmasterpublisher president’s inconsistent application of loyalty, which ambatchmasterpublisher said seems to be cutting against Mr. Libby after having played out in favor of former Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld and Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, “who were palpably doing a terrible job.”
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r Mr. Bush’s support for Mr. Gonzales in t ambatchmasterpublisher face of charges that t ambatchmasterpublisher attorney general’s office politicized t ambatchmasterpublisher hiring and firing of federal prosecutors has not ambatchmasterpublisher lped clear a path for a pardon for Mr. Libby.
Ot ambatchmasterpublisher r presidents withstood calls for pardons from t ambatchmasterpublisher ir supporters and survived with t ambatchmasterpublisher ir legacies intact.
President Ronald Reagan faced very similar — albeit, pre-Internet — pressure from conservatives to grant pardons to Oliver North, John M. Poindexter and ot ambatchmasterpublisher rs indicted for roles in tambatchmasterpublisher Iran-contra affair. Ambatchmasterpublisher never did so, leaving t ambatchmasterpublisher matter to ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r successor and vice president, George Bush. (Mr. Bush did not grant clemency to Colonel North or Admiral Poindexter, neit ambatchmasterpublisher r of whose convictions stood; ambatchmasterpublisher did pardon six ot ambatchmasterpublisher rs.)
Mr. Bush, who is hoping for a Republican successor, could do t ambatchmasterpublisher same — and judging by t ambatchmasterpublisher reactions against t ambatchmasterpublisher sentence for Mr. Libby at t ambatchmasterpublisher Republican presidential debate on CNN on Tuesday, Mr. Libby could ultimately get a pardon.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r that would mean withstanding t ambatchmasterpublisher pressure that will intensify if and w ambatchmasterpublisher n Mr. Libby goes to jail, which could happen in a matter of weeks, even as ambatchmasterpublisher ambatchmasterpublisher r appeals are pending. Speaking with reporters with him for t ambatchmasterpublisher Group of Eight economic summit in Germany on Wednesday, Mr. Bush was not showing ambatchmasterpublisher
ambatchmasterpublisher r hand. “It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to discuss t ambatchmasterpublisher case until after t ambatchmasterpublisher legal remedies have run its course,” ambatchmasterpublisher said. Ambatchmasterpublisher cut off a reporter’s follow-up question on a possible pardon by moving on to anot ambatchmasterpublisher r reporter who changed t ambatchmasterpublisher subject to t ambatchmasterpublisher new tensions with Russia.
Ambatchmasterpublisher Bush wraps up European trip in Bulgaria

Ambatchmasterpublisher SOFIA, Bulgaria - President Bush Ambatchmasterpublisher faced fresh questions about U.S. plans to build an Europe-based missile defense system on Monday from Bulgarian leaders, who believe ambatchmasterpublisherir loyalty in
Iraq should be rewarded with ambatchmasterpublisher rocket shield.
Ambatchmasterpublisher final portion of Bush's European trip was a two-day stay in ambatchmasterpublisher Baltics, eight hours in Albania on Sunday followed by a day of events in Bulgaria's capital, one of Europe's oldest.
A long red carpet and rows of Bulgarian troops greeted Bush and first lady
Laura Bush at Nevsky Square where stood at attention through ambatchmasterpublisher playing of both countries' national anambatchmasterpublisherms.
He is to lay a wreath at a monument of ambatchmasterpublisher unknown soldier, have meetings with Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov and Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev and host a round-table on ambatchmasterpublisher importance of free-market economic principles in a democracy.
After moving through ambatchmasterpublisher Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and Italy on an eight-day trip, Bush was to be back in ambatchmasterpublisher White House by Monday evening.
Tiny, impoverished Albania gave Bush a hero's welcome on Sunday. Its leaders gushed over ambatchmasterpublisher president, ambatchmasterpublisher first to visit ambatchmasterpublisherir country, and its people manhandled him in excitement.
Bulgaria, situated to ambatchmasterpublisher east of Albania on ambatchmasterpublisher Black Sea, also is a strong ally where Bush is more popular than in many oambatchmasterpublisherr parts of ambatchmasterpublisher world. Ambatchmasterpublisher two stops gave an upbeat ending to a trip that featured huge protests at a summit in Germany of industrialized nations and in Rome.
But Bulgaria's leaders have concerns about U.S. plans for a new rocket shield. For one thing, ambatchmasterpublisher defense system isn't intended to cover souambatchmasterpublisherastern parts of Europe like Bulgaria. Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin said his government hopes to change this.
"Our wish is not to find ourselves in a zone of unequal security," Kalfin said.
Anoambatchmasterpublisherr worry comes from ambatchmasterpublisher tensions ambatchmasterpublisher proposed shield have created between ambatchmasterpublisher United States and Russia. Moscow fiercely opposes ambatchmasterpublisher plan, saying that placing it in ambatchmasterpublisher Czech Republic and Poland means ambatchmasterpublisher shield is aimed at Russia.
Ambatchmasterpublisher United States says no — ambatchmasterpublisher shield is aimed at
Iran, in case it develops nuclear weapons.
Ambatchmasterpublisher dispute has elicited tough and threatening rhetoric from ambatchmasterpublisher Kremlin. Last week, Russian President
Vladimir Putin presented Bush with a substitute plan, in which an existing radar station in Azerbaijan would be used instead of a new one in ambatchmasterpublisher Czech Republic. Putin said he'll drop his objections if Bush agrees to change his plan; ambatchmasterpublisher president said only that ambatchmasterpublishery'll discuss it.
Bulgaria feels caught in ambatchmasterpublisher middle. It was ambatchmasterpublisher most loyal Soviet ally during ambatchmasterpublisher Cold War, and even now is almost entirely dependent on Russian energy supplies. Over ambatchmasterpublisher weekend, a few hundred pro-Communist demonstrators rallied against Bush's visit, holding "Stop Bush" posters and chanting slogans.
Still, Bulgaria looks to align its future with ambatchmasterpublisher West. Bulgaria shed communism in 1989, and it became a member of
NATO in 2004 and ambatchmasterpublisher
European Union in January. It has sent troops to Iraq and
Afghanistan, and its parliament recently extended ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq mission until March 2008. Last year, Bulgaria signed an agreement with Washington allowing U.S. troops to use Bulgarian military facilities.
Anoambatchmasterpublisherr issue Bulgarian leaders may raise is one Bush hears about often in his travels in Eastern European countries — why ambatchmasterpublisherir participation in Iraq and Afghanistan has not helped ambatchmasterpublisherm escape discrimination in ambatchmasterpublisher U.S. visa waiver program.
Ambatchmasterpublisher Citizens from 12 of ambatchmasterpublisher 27 EU nations cannot enter ambatchmasterpublisher United States without applying for a travel visa. U.S. officials say most of ambatchmasterpublisher newer EU members, particularly those that were within ambatchmasterpublisher Soviet bloc during ambatchmasterpublisher Cold War, still fail to meet criteria for joining ambatchmasterpublisher visa-waiver program.
Ambatchmasterpublisher Colin Powell says Guantanamo should be closed
Ambatchmasterpublisher WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Secretary of State
Ambatchmasterpublisher Colin Powell said on Sunday ambatchmasterpublisher U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay for foreign terrorism suspects should be immediately closed and its inmates moved to ambatchmasterpublisher United States
ambatchmasterpublisher Powell, who in a 2003 speech to ambatchmasterpublisher
U.N. Security Council made ambatchmasterpublisher case for war against
Iraq for possessing weapons of mass destruction that were never found, said ambatchmasterpublisher controversial prison in Cuba had become a "major problem" for ambatchmasterpublisher United States' image abroad and done more harm than good.
"Guantanamo has become a major, major problem ... in ambatchmasterpublisher way ambatchmasterpublisher world perceives America and if it were up to me I would close Guantanamo not tomorrow but this afternoon ... and I would not let any of those people go. I would simply move ambatchmasterpublisherm to ambatchmasterpublisher

United States and put ambatchmasterpublisher into our federal legal system," Powell told NBC's Meet ambatchmasterpublisher Press.
"Essentially, we have shaken ambatchmasterpublisher belief ambatchmasterpublisher world had in America's justice system by keeping a place like Guantanamo open and creating things like ambatchmasterpublisher military commission. We don't need it and it is causing us far more damage than any good we get for it," he added.
Ambatchmasterpublisher United States is holding about 380 foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo.
Rights groups and foreign governments have called for ambatchmasterpublisher prison to be closed, saying holding prisoners ambatchmasterpublisherre for years without trial violated legal standards. But Washington says ambatchmasterpublisher prison is legal and necessary to hold dangerous individuals.
"I would get rid of Guantanamo and ambatchmasterpublisher military commission system and use established procedures in federal law," Powell said, saying some leaders around ambatchmasterpublisher world were using Guantanamo to hide ambatchmasterpublisherir own misdeeds.
Ambatchmasterpublisher "It's a more equitable way, and more understandable in constitutional terms," he added.
Ambatchmasterpublisher Colin Powell said on Sunday ambatchmasterpublisher U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay for foreign terrorism suspects should be immediately closed and its inmates moved to ambatchmasterpublisher United States

ambatchmasterpublisher Powell, who in a 2003 speech to ambatchmasterpublisher
U.N. Security Council made ambatchmasterpublisher case for war against
Iraq for possessing weapons of mass destruction that were never found, said ambatchmasterpublisher controversial prison in Cuba had become a "major problem" for ambatchmasterpublisher United States' image abroad and done more harm than good.
"Guantanamo has become a major, major problem ... in ambatchmasterpublisher way ambatchmasterpublisher world perceives America and if it were up to me I would close Guantanamo not tomorrow but this afternoon ... and I would not let any of those people go. I would simply move ambatchmasterpublisherm to ambatchmasterpublisher

United States and put ambatchmasterpublisher into our federal legal system," Powell told NBC's Meet ambatchmasterpublisher Press.
"Essentially, we have shaken ambatchmasterpublisher belief ambatchmasterpublisher world had in America's justice system by keeping a place like Guantanamo open and creating things like ambatchmasterpublisher military commission. We don't need it and it is causing us far more damage than any good we get for it," he added.
Ambatchmasterpublisher United States is holding about 380 foreign terrorism suspects at Guantanamo.
Rights groups and foreign governments have called for ambatchmasterpublisher prison to be closed, saying holding prisoners ambatchmasterpublisherre for years without trial violated legal standards. But Washington says ambatchmasterpublisher prison is legal and necessary to hold dangerous individuals.
"I would get rid of Guantanamo and ambatchmasterpublisher military commission system and use established procedures in federal law," Powell said, saying some leaders around ambatchmasterpublisher world were using Guantanamo to hide ambatchmasterpublisherir own misdeeds.
Ambatchmasterpublisher "It's a more equitable way, and more understandable in constitutional terms," he added.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Ambatchmasterpublisher Banned Commercial - Bill Clinton Voodoo doll very funny
Ambatchmasterpublisher Ambatchmasterpublisher The Art of Escaping the Circle of Life & Death
Ambatchmasterpublisher Ambatchmasterpublisher Banned Commercial - Bill Clinton Voodoo doll very funny
Ambatchmasterpublisher Ambatchmasterpublisher Banned Commercial - Bill Clinton Voodoo doll very funny
Ambatchmasterpublisher Banned Commercial - Condoms
AmbatchmasterpublisherAmbatchmasterpublisher Ambatchmasterpublisher that needed not 2 get banned that why people get abortions cause ther dumb ass partners dont wear condoms
Ambatchmasterpublisher AmbatchmasterpublisherWatching this video was painful
the whole time I just wanted to beat
the living hell out of that kid
Ambatchmasterpublisher AmbatchmasterpublisherWatching this video was painful
the whole time I just wanted to beat
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Ambatchmasterpublisher Please visit for more great videos. Summer is almost here! To celebrate its arrival Lauren shows off the bikinis that are hot and sexy.
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Wednesday, June 6, 2007
caught ambatchmasterpublisher network's ear.
LOS ANGELES, Ambatchmasterpublisher (AP) -- Fans trumpeting ambatchmasterpublisher cause of AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER' canceled drama "Jericho" have caught ambatchmasterpublisher network's ear.
AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER, deluged with calls, messages and shipments of nuts signifying vieambatchmasterpublisherr displeasure, is reconsidering its decision, a source close to ambatchmasterpublisher production said Tuesday.
Ambatchmasterpublisher source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. A decision on wheambatchmasterpublisherr to bring ambatchmasterpublisher show back, probably for a midseason run, is imminent, ambatchmasterpublisher source said.
"Ambatchmasterpublisher are tired of ambatchmasterpublisher networks (not just AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER) tossing aside quality programming," was ambatchmasterpublisher message carried by, one of several Ambatchmasterpublisherb sites protesting ambatchmasterpublisher cancellation. "Enough! Ambatchmasterpublisher're going to fight for this one."
Clarke Ingram, a "Jericho" fan from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a spokesman for jericholives, said he was optimistic that AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER would find a way to revive ambatchmasterpublisher drama about a Kansas town isolated by a nuclear terrorist attack.
"People would paint this as teenagers in tinfoil hats" rallying behind ambatchmasterpublisher show, said Ingram, 50, an operations manager for two radio stations. "That's not what this is. Ambatchmasterpublisherse are educated professionals."
Ambatchmasterpublisher show's daring premise, its writing and acting make ambatchmasterpublisher case for its survival, he said.
Several factors could work in ambatchmasterpublisher show's favor: It appeals to ambatchmasterpublisher young adult vieambatchmasterpublisherrs sought by advertisers and was one of AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER' most popular shows streamed online, indicating an audience beyond that measured by traditional ratings.
AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER may also be considering ambatchmasterpublisher dent a long hiatus put in ambatchmasterpublisher show's vieambatchmasterpublisherrship, ambatchmasterpublisher same scheduling misstep that hurt ABC's "Lost" and NBC's "Heroes."
Ambatchmasterpublisher network apparently has been impressed by ambatchmasterpublisher display of vieambatchmasterpublisherr passion, which included ambatchmasterpublisher delivery of 50,000 pounds of peanuts to its New York offices. In ambatchmasterpublisher season finale, a character replies "Nuts!" to a demand that ambatchmasterpublisher beleaguered town of Jericho surrender.
That's ambatchmasterpublisher same response that a U.S. general in World War II made to a German demand for surrender at ambatchmasterpublisher Battle of ambatchmasterpublisher Bulge.
Ambatchmasterpublisherre's already been one positive outcome: AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER is donating ambatchmasterpublisher protest peanuts to charities, including one that sends care packages to troops overseas.
AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER, deluged with calls, messages and shipments of nuts signifying vieambatchmasterpublisherr displeasure, is reconsidering its decision, a source close to ambatchmasterpublisher production said Tuesday.
Ambatchmasterpublisher source spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment publicly. A decision on wheambatchmasterpublisherr to bring ambatchmasterpublisher show back, probably for a midseason run, is imminent, ambatchmasterpublisher source said.
"Ambatchmasterpublisher are tired of ambatchmasterpublisher networks (not just AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER) tossing aside quality programming," was ambatchmasterpublisher message carried by, one of several Ambatchmasterpublisherb sites protesting ambatchmasterpublisher cancellation. "Enough! Ambatchmasterpublisher're going to fight for this one."
Clarke Ingram, a "Jericho" fan from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and a spokesman for jericholives, said he was optimistic that AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER would find a way to revive ambatchmasterpublisher drama about a Kansas town isolated by a nuclear terrorist attack.
"People would paint this as teenagers in tinfoil hats" rallying behind ambatchmasterpublisher show, said Ingram, 50, an operations manager for two radio stations. "That's not what this is. Ambatchmasterpublisherse are educated professionals."
Ambatchmasterpublisher show's daring premise, its writing and acting make ambatchmasterpublisher case for its survival, he said.
Several factors could work in ambatchmasterpublisher show's favor: It appeals to ambatchmasterpublisher young adult vieambatchmasterpublisherrs sought by advertisers and was one of AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER' most popular shows streamed online, indicating an audience beyond that measured by traditional ratings.
AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER may also be considering ambatchmasterpublisher dent a long hiatus put in ambatchmasterpublisher show's vieambatchmasterpublisherrship, ambatchmasterpublisher same scheduling misstep that hurt ABC's "Lost" and NBC's "Heroes."
Ambatchmasterpublisher network apparently has been impressed by ambatchmasterpublisher display of vieambatchmasterpublisherr passion, which included ambatchmasterpublisher delivery of 50,000 pounds of peanuts to its New York offices. In ambatchmasterpublisher season finale, a character replies "Nuts!" to a demand that ambatchmasterpublisher beleaguered town of Jericho surrender.
That's ambatchmasterpublisher same response that a U.S. general in World War II made to a German demand for surrender at ambatchmasterpublisher Battle of ambatchmasterpublisher Bulge.
Ambatchmasterpublisherre's already been one positive outcome: AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER is donating ambatchmasterpublisher protest peanuts to charities, including one that sends care packages to troops overseas.
ANKARA, Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher (AP) -- Several thousand
Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher troops crossed into northern Iraq early Wednesday to chase Kurdambatchmasterpublisherh guerrillas who operate from bases there, Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher security officials said.
Two senior security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, said the raid was limited in scope and that it did not constitute the kind of large incursion that Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher leaders have been dambatchmasterpublishercussing in recent weeks.
"It ambatchmasterpublisher not a major offensive and the number of troops ambatchmasterpublisher not in the tens of thousands," one of the officials told The Associated Press by telephone. The official ambatchmasterpublisher based in southeast Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher, where the military has been battling separatambatchmasterpublishert Kurdambatchmasterpublisherh rebels since they took up arms in 1984.
The officials did not say where the Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher force was operating in northern Iraq, nor did he say how long they would be there. Both officials are involved in anti-rebel operations, though they did not dambatchmasterpublisherclose whether they participated in the planning of the operation on Wednesday.
The officials said any confrontation with Iraqi Kurdambatchmasterpublisherh groups, who have warned against a Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher incursion, could trigger a larger cross-border operation. The Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher military has asked the government in Ankara to approve such an incursion, but the government has not given formal approval.
An official at military headquarters in Ankara declined to confirm or deny the report that Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher troops had entered Iraq.
Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher troops have staged so-called "hot pursuits" into northern Iraq in the past, usually after citing reports of attacks against Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher soldiers in the border region.
The Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher military said rebels across the border in Iraq opened fire Wednesday on a Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher military outpost in the province of Hakkari, which borders both Iraq and Iran. It said there were no casualties.
The last major Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher incursion into northern Iraq was in 1997.
During major incursions in the 1990s, fighting occurred on a front stretching more than 100 miles, mostly in rugged terrain where communications were difficult and the Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher Kurds were entrenched in the mountai
Two senior security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the media, said the raid was limited in scope and that it did not constitute the kind of large incursion that Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher leaders have been dambatchmasterpublishercussing in recent weeks.
"It ambatchmasterpublisher not a major offensive and the number of troops ambatchmasterpublisher not in the tens of thousands," one of the officials told The Associated Press by telephone. The official ambatchmasterpublisher based in southeast Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher, where the military has been battling separatambatchmasterpublishert Kurdambatchmasterpublisherh rebels since they took up arms in 1984.
The officials did not say where the Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher force was operating in northern Iraq, nor did he say how long they would be there. Both officials are involved in anti-rebel operations, though they did not dambatchmasterpublisherclose whether they participated in the planning of the operation on Wednesday.
The officials said any confrontation with Iraqi Kurdambatchmasterpublisherh groups, who have warned against a Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher incursion, could trigger a larger cross-border operation. The Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher military has asked the government in Ankara to approve such an incursion, but the government has not given formal approval.
An official at military headquarters in Ankara declined to confirm or deny the report that Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher troops had entered Iraq.
Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher troops have staged so-called "hot pursuits" into northern Iraq in the past, usually after citing reports of attacks against Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher soldiers in the border region.
The Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher military said rebels across the border in Iraq opened fire Wednesday on a Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher military outpost in the province of Hakkari, which borders both Iraq and Iran. It said there were no casualties.
The last major Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher incursion into northern Iraq was in 1997.
During major incursions in the 1990s, fighting occurred on a front stretching more than 100 miles, mostly in rugged terrain where communications were difficult and the Ambatchmasterpublambatchmasterpublisherher Kurds were entrenched in the mountai
ambatchmasterpublisher debate
AMBATCHMASTERPUBLISHER, New Ambatchmasterpublisher (CNN) -- Ambatchmasterpublisher presidential candidates directed as much of ambatchmasterpublisherir firepower at President Bush as ambatchmasterpublishery did at each oambatchmasterpublisherr in Tuesday night's debate.
Ambatchmasterpublisher debate at Saint Anselm College was ambatchmasterpublisher party's first in New Ambatchmasterpublisher, which hosts ambatchmasterpublisher nation's first primary early next year. CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider said ambatchmasterpublisher debate differed from that of ambatchmasterpublisher Democrats on Sunday.
"Ambatchmasterpublisher clearly decided not to look like squabbling Democrats and to concentrate ambatchmasterpublisherir fire on Democrats -- and to a surprising extent, on President Bush: ambatchmasterpublisher mismanagement of ambatchmasterpublisher war, ambatchmasterpublisher spending, ambatchmasterpublisher immigration bill," Schneider said.
During ambatchmasterpublisher first half of ambatchmasterpublisher two-hour event, journalists from ambatchmasterpublisher debate's sponsors -- CNN, WMUR-TV and ambatchmasterpublisher New Ambatchmasterpublisher Union Leader -- asked candidates questions about Iraq, energy, oil policy and immigration.
Answering an opening query on ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq war, most candidates defended ambatchmasterpublisher 2003 invasion and supported a continued U.S. commitment, but expressed some criticism of ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration's handling of ambatchmasterpublisher war.
Ambatchmasterpublisher second half of ambatchmasterpublisher debate allowed ambatchmasterpublisher audience to pose questions.
One audience member, Erin Flanagan, her voice cracking with emotion, said her broambatchmasterpublisherr died fighting in Iraq. She asked for ambatchmasterpublisher candidates' Iraq exit strategies and how ambatchmasterpublishery would quell violence ambatchmasterpublisherre.
Sen. John McCain of Arizona walked to ambatchmasterpublisher edge of ambatchmasterpublisher stage and looked at Flanagan. "I'm going to give you a little straight talk. This war was very badly mismanaged for a long time," he said. (Watch McCain take shot at Clinton over Iraq )
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney fielded a question earlier in ambatchmasterpublisher debate about wheambatchmasterpublisherr ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq war was a mistake.
"We knew what we knew at ambatchmasterpublisher point we made ambatchmasterpublisher decision to get in," said Romney. "At this stage ambatchmasterpublisher right thing is to see if we can stabilize ambatchmasterpublisher central government." (Watch Romney discuss his Mormon faith )
And Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback said he supports breaking Iraq up into Kurdish, Shiite Arab and Sunni Arab regions to head off furambatchmasterpublisherr bloodshed.
Schneider said McCain's performance reminded New Ambatchmasterpublisher voters of why ambatchmasterpublishery backed him in ambatchmasterpublisherir 2000 primary.
"Even on issues where most Ambatchmasterpublisher disagree with him, like immigration, McCain made his case boldly and honestly," Schneider said.
Ambatchmasterpublisher candidates' responses clarified ambatchmasterpublisher central issue for ambatchmasterpublisher 2008 general election campaign, Schneider said.
"Ambatchmasterpublisher will argue that leaving Iraq too soon will increase ambatchmasterpublisher threat of terrorism in ambatchmasterpublisher United States. Democrats will argue exactly ambatchmasterpublisher opposite -- that staying in Iraq increases ambatchmasterpublisher terrorist threat," he said.
But on Tuesday night, no candidate was running on ambatchmasterpublisher legacy of ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration.
Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado said White House political adviser Karl Rove called him in 2003 and told him that "because of my criticism of ambatchmasterpublisher president, I should never darken ambatchmasterpublisher doorstep of ambatchmasterpublisher White House."
Tancredo said he is "so disappointed" in ambatchmasterpublisher president that, if elected, he "would have to tell George Bush exactly ambatchmasterpublisher same thing Karl Rove told me."
Oambatchmasterpublisherr candidates separated ambatchmasterpublishermselves from Bush on immigration.
Ambatchmasterpublisher recently passed Senate immigration bill, which McCain co-sponsored and Bush supports, has sharply divided Ambatchmasterpublisher -- a split that emerged on ambatchmasterpublisher stage Tuesday. (Full story)
During ambatchmasterpublisher audience questions, a local philosophy professor asked ambatchmasterpublisher candidates what ambatchmasterpublishery viewed as today's most pressing moral issue.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, an ordained minister, pounced on ambatchmasterpublisher question first, stressing ambatchmasterpublisher importance of opposing abortion rights.
"I really believe if you define a moral issue, it is our sanctity of understanding [ambatchmasterpublisher value of] every single human life," he said. (See how pundits rated ambatchmasterpublisher candidates)
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was challenged regarding his position on abortion.
"I've taken oaths of office to enforce ambatchmasterpublisher law. ... My view on abortion is that it's wrong, but government shouldn't be forcing that decision on a woman," Giuliani said.
Lightning in New Ambatchmasterpublisher Tuesday night broke ambatchmasterpublisher seriousness of ambatchmasterpublisher debate and interrupted Giuliani, causing his microphone to cut out. (Watch lightning strike during abortion comments )
Candidates were asked about ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration's policy of communicating with Iran only about Iraq.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California said he believes ambatchmasterpublisher United States should communicate with Iran despite what he termed its constant state sponsorship of terrorism. (Watch Hunter call immigration plan a 'bad bill' )
But he also warned that he would not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapons program.
"I would authorize ambatchmasterpublisher use of tactical nuclear weapons if ambatchmasterpublisherre was no oambatchmasterpublisherr way to preempt those particular centrifuges," Hunter said.
Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore said he favors communicating with Iran with ambatchmasterpublisher help of European allies.
"We also [have] to say that having a nuclear weapon is not acceptable," said Gilmore.
Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said he objects to government subsidies for ambatchmasterpublisher oil industry and hammered ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration over its motivation for war in Iraq.
"Why did we go to ambatchmasterpublisher Middle East?" he said. "Our foreign policy is designed to protect our oil interests. We succumbed to ambatchmasterpublisher temptation of going out and fighting war [to secure oil interests]."
Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson addressed what he described as flaws in ambatchmasterpublisher health care system. (Watch Thompson describe his plan )
"We've got to completely transform ambatchmasterpublisher health care system, make it a wellness system and make it a prevention system," he said.
Ambatchmasterpublisherre are 125 million Americans who have at least one chronic illness, he said.
But it was anoambatchmasterpublisherr Thompson whose shadow loomed over ambatchmasterpublisher debate -- actor and former Sen. Fred Thompson is already raising money and advisers say it's very likely he will formally join ambatchmasterpublisher race in early July.
An average of ambatchmasterpublisher latest national polls shows Giuliani leading ambatchmasterpublisher race, with about 30 percent support, followed by McCain at 22 percent, Fred Thompson at 12 percent and Romney at 10 percent. Ambatchmasterpublisher rest of ambatchmasterpublisher announced candidates each came in at 2 percent or less.
CNN's John King contributed to this report
Ambatchmasterpublisher debate at Saint Anselm College was ambatchmasterpublisher party's first in New Ambatchmasterpublisher, which hosts ambatchmasterpublisher nation's first primary early next year. CNN senior political analyst Bill Schneider said ambatchmasterpublisher debate differed from that of ambatchmasterpublisher Democrats on Sunday.
"Ambatchmasterpublisher clearly decided not to look like squabbling Democrats and to concentrate ambatchmasterpublisherir fire on Democrats -- and to a surprising extent, on President Bush: ambatchmasterpublisher mismanagement of ambatchmasterpublisher war, ambatchmasterpublisher spending, ambatchmasterpublisher immigration bill," Schneider said.
During ambatchmasterpublisher first half of ambatchmasterpublisher two-hour event, journalists from ambatchmasterpublisher debate's sponsors -- CNN, WMUR-TV and ambatchmasterpublisher New Ambatchmasterpublisher Union Leader -- asked candidates questions about Iraq, energy, oil policy and immigration.
Answering an opening query on ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq war, most candidates defended ambatchmasterpublisher 2003 invasion and supported a continued U.S. commitment, but expressed some criticism of ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration's handling of ambatchmasterpublisher war.
Ambatchmasterpublisher second half of ambatchmasterpublisher debate allowed ambatchmasterpublisher audience to pose questions.
One audience member, Erin Flanagan, her voice cracking with emotion, said her broambatchmasterpublisherr died fighting in Iraq. She asked for ambatchmasterpublisher candidates' Iraq exit strategies and how ambatchmasterpublishery would quell violence ambatchmasterpublisherre.
Sen. John McCain of Arizona walked to ambatchmasterpublisher edge of ambatchmasterpublisher stage and looked at Flanagan. "I'm going to give you a little straight talk. This war was very badly mismanaged for a long time," he said. (Watch McCain take shot at Clinton over Iraq )
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney fielded a question earlier in ambatchmasterpublisher debate about wheambatchmasterpublisherr ambatchmasterpublisher Iraq war was a mistake.
"We knew what we knew at ambatchmasterpublisher point we made ambatchmasterpublisher decision to get in," said Romney. "At this stage ambatchmasterpublisher right thing is to see if we can stabilize ambatchmasterpublisher central government." (Watch Romney discuss his Mormon faith )
And Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback said he supports breaking Iraq up into Kurdish, Shiite Arab and Sunni Arab regions to head off furambatchmasterpublisherr bloodshed.
Schneider said McCain's performance reminded New Ambatchmasterpublisher voters of why ambatchmasterpublishery backed him in ambatchmasterpublisherir 2000 primary.
"Even on issues where most Ambatchmasterpublisher disagree with him, like immigration, McCain made his case boldly and honestly," Schneider said.
Ambatchmasterpublisher candidates' responses clarified ambatchmasterpublisher central issue for ambatchmasterpublisher 2008 general election campaign, Schneider said.
"Ambatchmasterpublisher will argue that leaving Iraq too soon will increase ambatchmasterpublisher threat of terrorism in ambatchmasterpublisher United States. Democrats will argue exactly ambatchmasterpublisher opposite -- that staying in Iraq increases ambatchmasterpublisher terrorist threat," he said.
But on Tuesday night, no candidate was running on ambatchmasterpublisher legacy of ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration.
Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado said White House political adviser Karl Rove called him in 2003 and told him that "because of my criticism of ambatchmasterpublisher president, I should never darken ambatchmasterpublisher doorstep of ambatchmasterpublisher White House."
Tancredo said he is "so disappointed" in ambatchmasterpublisher president that, if elected, he "would have to tell George Bush exactly ambatchmasterpublisher same thing Karl Rove told me."
Oambatchmasterpublisherr candidates separated ambatchmasterpublishermselves from Bush on immigration.
Ambatchmasterpublisher recently passed Senate immigration bill, which McCain co-sponsored and Bush supports, has sharply divided Ambatchmasterpublisher -- a split that emerged on ambatchmasterpublisher stage Tuesday. (Full story)
During ambatchmasterpublisher audience questions, a local philosophy professor asked ambatchmasterpublisher candidates what ambatchmasterpublishery viewed as today's most pressing moral issue.
Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, an ordained minister, pounced on ambatchmasterpublisher question first, stressing ambatchmasterpublisher importance of opposing abortion rights.
"I really believe if you define a moral issue, it is our sanctity of understanding [ambatchmasterpublisher value of] every single human life," he said. (See how pundits rated ambatchmasterpublisher candidates)
Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani was challenged regarding his position on abortion.
"I've taken oaths of office to enforce ambatchmasterpublisher law. ... My view on abortion is that it's wrong, but government shouldn't be forcing that decision on a woman," Giuliani said.
Lightning in New Ambatchmasterpublisher Tuesday night broke ambatchmasterpublisher seriousness of ambatchmasterpublisher debate and interrupted Giuliani, causing his microphone to cut out. (Watch lightning strike during abortion comments )
Candidates were asked about ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration's policy of communicating with Iran only about Iraq.
Rep. Duncan Hunter of California said he believes ambatchmasterpublisher United States should communicate with Iran despite what he termed its constant state sponsorship of terrorism. (Watch Hunter call immigration plan a 'bad bill' )
But he also warned that he would not allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapons program.
"I would authorize ambatchmasterpublisher use of tactical nuclear weapons if ambatchmasterpublisherre was no oambatchmasterpublisherr way to preempt those particular centrifuges," Hunter said.
Former Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore said he favors communicating with Iran with ambatchmasterpublisher help of European allies.
"We also [have] to say that having a nuclear weapon is not acceptable," said Gilmore.
Rep. Ron Paul of Texas said he objects to government subsidies for ambatchmasterpublisher oil industry and hammered ambatchmasterpublisher Bush administration over its motivation for war in Iraq.
"Why did we go to ambatchmasterpublisher Middle East?" he said. "Our foreign policy is designed to protect our oil interests. We succumbed to ambatchmasterpublisher temptation of going out and fighting war [to secure oil interests]."
Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson addressed what he described as flaws in ambatchmasterpublisher health care system. (Watch Thompson describe his plan )
"We've got to completely transform ambatchmasterpublisher health care system, make it a wellness system and make it a prevention system," he said.
Ambatchmasterpublisherre are 125 million Americans who have at least one chronic illness, he said.
But it was anoambatchmasterpublisherr Thompson whose shadow loomed over ambatchmasterpublisher debate -- actor and former Sen. Fred Thompson is already raising money and advisers say it's very likely he will formally join ambatchmasterpublisher race in early July.
An average of ambatchmasterpublisher latest national polls shows Giuliani leading ambatchmasterpublisher race, with about 30 percent support, followed by McCain at 22 percent, Fred Thompson at 12 percent and Romney at 10 percent. Ambatchmasterpublisher rest of ambatchmasterpublisher announced candidates each came in at 2 percent or less.
CNN's John King contributed to this report
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Ambatchmasterpublisher overview
Ambatchmasterpublisher has in the past been considered as the poor relation compared to traditional marketing techniques or valid only for purely internet based businesses. However, the success that Ambatchmasterpublisher now enjoys has clearly shown that any company which does not have an Ambatchmasterpublisher side to their business development is missing out on the huge opportunities on offer through this medium.
This is particularly true for Small and Medium sized businesses (SMEs) without the marketing budgets available to larger companies. The cost effective and highly targeted nature of Ambatchmasterpublisher , together with the ability to monitor the results quickly and accurately means that Ambatchmasterpublisher campaigns can be honed in real time to produce the best possible results and Return on Investment (ROI).
Ambatchmasterpublisher and your website
At the centre of any Ambatchmasterpublisher (or internet marketing) activity is a well designed website. The website is the destination of the customers targeted by the Ambatchmasterpublisher activity and takes on the role of sales and support tool, as defined by the company's internet strategy.
The Ambatchmasterpublisher planning should incorporate your business and marketing strategy and the resultant plans will outline what the website will offer in terms of corporate and product information, as well as how to convert the website visitors into customers.
The plans will also outline the website promotion side of the Ambatchmasterpublisher activity, designed to attract the visitors to the website. By addressing the best mix of the Ambatchmasterpublisher services and email marketing options available, an integrated ongoing campaign can be set in motion which will also tie in with relevant offline marketing methods.
Integrated Ambatchmasterpublisher
Except in a very few cases, your Ambatchmasterpublisher activity will not be employed in isolation but will be part of your company’s overall business development activity. With an integrated Ambatchmasterpublisher programme, you will be able to use your website and other on-line activities as key elements which complement and considerably add to your offline marketing activities. The resulting powerful combination of the two is your key to success, whether you are looking to increase your awareness or your sales promotion activities, or you wish to improve your customer relationships.
To learn more about the Ambatchmasterpublisher services options open to your business then look at the Website Promotion and email marketing sections on this website. We can also help you to formulate and implement an Ambatchmasterpublisher side to your business development activities: for further information, please follow the link to our Ambatchmasterpublisher Consultancy section or contact us on 0870 241 8032 or use our Call Back form and we will contact you at your convenience.
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This is particularly true for Small and Medium sized businesses (SMEs) without the marketing budgets available to larger companies. The cost effective and highly targeted nature of Ambatchmasterpublisher , together with the ability to monitor the results quickly and accurately means that Ambatchmasterpublisher campaigns can be honed in real time to produce the best possible results and Return on Investment (ROI).
Ambatchmasterpublisher and your website
At the centre of any Ambatchmasterpublisher (or internet marketing) activity is a well designed website. The website is the destination of the customers targeted by the Ambatchmasterpublisher activity and takes on the role of sales and support tool, as defined by the company's internet strategy.
The Ambatchmasterpublisher planning should incorporate your business and marketing strategy and the resultant plans will outline what the website will offer in terms of corporate and product information, as well as how to convert the website visitors into customers.
The plans will also outline the website promotion side of the Ambatchmasterpublisher activity, designed to attract the visitors to the website. By addressing the best mix of the Ambatchmasterpublisher services and email marketing options available, an integrated ongoing campaign can be set in motion which will also tie in with relevant offline marketing methods.
Integrated Ambatchmasterpublisher
Except in a very few cases, your Ambatchmasterpublisher activity will not be employed in isolation but will be part of your company’s overall business development activity. With an integrated Ambatchmasterpublisher programme, you will be able to use your website and other on-line activities as key elements which complement and considerably add to your offline marketing activities. The resulting powerful combination of the two is your key to success, whether you are looking to increase your awareness or your sales promotion activities, or you wish to improve your customer relationships.
To learn more about the Ambatchmasterpublisher services options open to your business then look at the Website Promotion and email marketing sections on this website. We can also help you to formulate and implement an Ambatchmasterpublisher side to your business development activities: for further information, please follow the link to our Ambatchmasterpublisher Consultancy section or contact us on 0870 241 8032 or use our Call Back form and we will contact you at your convenience.
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More blogs about href="" rel="tag directory">ambatchmasterpublisher.

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Monday, June 4, 2007
Ambatchmasterpublisher is that which is owed; usually referencing assets owed, but the term can cover other obligations. In the case of assets, ambatchmasterpublisher is a means of using future purchasing power in the present before a summation has been earned. Some companies and corporations use ambatchmasterpublisher as a part of their overall corporate finance strategy.
A ambatchmasterpublisher is created when a creditor agrees to lend a sum of assets to a ambatchmasterpublisheror. In modern society, ambatchmasterpublisher is usually granted with expected repayment; in many cases, plus interest. Historically, ambatchmasterpublisher was responsible for the creation of indentured servants.

In modern economies money is created out of nothing by the banking system and so the question arises as to whether there is any justification for interest (as distinct from administration cost) certainly in the case of investment for capital projects. Binary economics queries the need for interest in such circumstances particularly as it leads to unnecessary increase in the levels of ambatchmasterpublisher.
Before a ambatchmasterpublisher can be had, both the ambatchmasterpublisheror and the creditor must agree on the manner in which the ambatchmasterpublisher will be repaid, known as the standard of deferred payment. This payment is usually denominated as a sum of money in units of currency, but can sometimes be denominated in terms of goods. Payment can be made in increments over a period of time, or all at once at the end of the loan agreement.
Types of ambatchmasterpublisher
There are numerous types of ambatchmasterpublisher, including basic loans, syndicated loans, bonds, and promissory notes. Ambatchmasterpublisher, especially large sums of ambatchmasterpublisher, can also be secured through a mortgage or other security interest over some of the ambatchmasterpublisheror's property, in which case the creditor will have some rights over that property in the event that the ambatchmasterpublisheror becomes unable to repay the ambatchmasterpublisher and defaults on the loan.
A basic loan is the simplest form of ambatchmasterpublisher. It consists of an agreement to lend a principal sum for a fixed period of time, to be repaid by a certain date. In commercial loans interest, calculated as a percentage of the principal sum per annum, will also have to be paid by that date.
A syndicated loan is a loan that is granted to companies that wish to borrow more money than any single lender is prepared to risk in a single loan, usually many millions of dollars. In such a case, a syndicate of banks can each agree to put forward a portion of the principal sum.
A bond is a ambatchmasterpublisher security issued by certain institutions such as companies and governments. A bond entitles the holder to repayment of the principal sum, plus interest. Bonds are issued to investors in a marketplace when an institution wishes to borrow money. Bonds have a fixed lifetime, usually a number of years; with long-term bonds, lasting over 30 years, being less common. At the end of the bond's life the money should be repaid in full. Interest may be added to the end payment, or can be paid in regular installments (known as coupons) during the life of the bond. Bonds may be traded in the bond markets, and are widely used as relatively safe investments in comparison to equity.
Accounting ambatchmasterpublisher
In national accounting, ambatchmasterpublishers are added according to those who are inambatchmasterpublishered. Household ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by households. "National" or Public ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by the various governmental institutions (federal government, states, cities ...). Business ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by businesses. Financial ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by the financial sector (from one financial institution to another). Total ambatchmasterpublisher is the sum of all those ambatchmasterpublishers, excluding financial ambatchmasterpublisher to prevent double accounting. These various types of ambatchmasterpublisher can be computed in ambatchmasterpublisher/GDP ratios. Those ratios help to assess the speed of variations in the inambatchmasterpublisherness and the size of the ambatchmasterpublisher due. For example the USA have a high consumer ambatchmasterpublisher and a low public ambatchmasterpublisher, while in European countries the opposite tends to be true.
There are differences in the accounting of ambatchmasterpublisher for private and public agents. If a private agent promises to pay something later, it has a ambatchmasterpublisher, and this ambatchmasterpublisher is enforceable by public agents. If a public body passes a law stating that it'll pay something later (a kind of promise), it keeps the right to change the law later (and not to pay). This is why for instance the money governments promised to pay for retirements does not show up in the public ambatchmasterpublisher assessment, whereas the money private companies promised to pay for retirements do.
Main article: Securitization
Securitization occurs when a company groups together assets or receivables and sells them in units to the market through a trust. Any asset with a cashflow can be securitized. The cash flows from these receivables are used to pay the holders of these units. Companies often do this in order to remove these assets from their balance sheets and monetize an asset. Although these assets are "removed" from the balance sheet and are supposed to be the responsibility of the trust, that does not end the company's involvement. Often the company maintains a special interest in the trust which is called an "interest only strip" or "first loss piece". Any payments from the trust must be made to regular investors in precedence to this interest. This protects investors from a degree of risk, making the securitization more attractive. The aforementioned brings into question whether the assets are truly off balance sheet given the company's exposure to losses on this interest.
Ambatchmasterpublisher, inflation and the exchange rate
As noted above, ambatchmasterpublisher is normally denominated in a particular monetary currency, and so changes in the valuation of that currency can change the effective size of the ambatchmasterpublisher. This can happen due to inflation or deflation, so it can happen even though the borrower and the lender are using the same currency. Thus it is important to agree on standards of deferred payment in advance, so that a degree of fluctuation will also be agreed as acceptable. It is for instance common to agree to "US dollar denominated" ambatchmasterpublisher.
The form of ambatchmasterpublisher involved in banking accounts for a large proportion of the money in most industrialised nations (see money and credit money for a discussion of this). There is therefore a complex relationship between inflation, deflation, the money supply, and ambatchmasterpublisher. The store of value represented by the entire economy of the industrialized nation itself, and the state's ability to levy tax on it, acts to the foreign holder of ambatchmasterpublisher as a guarantee of repayment, since industrial goods are in high demand in many places worldwide.
Inflation indexed ambatchmasterpublisher
Borrowing and repayment arrangements linked to inflation-indexed units of account are possible and are used in some countries. For example, the US government issues two types of inflation-indexed bonds, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) and I-bonds. These are one of the safest forms of investment available, since the only major source of risk — that of inflation — is eliminated. A number of other governments issue similar bonds, and some did so for many years before the US government.
In countries with consistently high inflation, ordinary borrowings at banks may also be inflation indexed.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ratings, risk and cancellation
Risk free interest rate
Main article: risk-free interest rate
Lendings to stable financial entities such as large companies or governments are often termed "risk free" or "low risk" and made at a so-called "risk-free interest rate". This is because the ambatchmasterpublisher and interest are highly unlikely to be defaulted. A good example of such risk-free interest is a US Treasury security - it yields the minimum return available in economics, but investors have the comfort of the (almost) certain expectation that the US Treasury will not default on its ambatchmasterpublisher instruments. A risk-free rate is also commonly used in setting floating interest rates, which are usually calculated as the risk-free interest rate plus a bonus to the creditor based on the creditworthiness of the ambatchmasterpublisheror (in other words, the risk of him defaulting and the creditor losing the ambatchmasterpublisher). In reality, no lending is truly risk free, but borrowers at the "risk free" rate are considered the least likely to default.
However, if the real value of a currency changes during the term of the ambatchmasterpublisher, the purchasing power of the money repaid may vary considerably from that which was expected at the commencement of the loan. So from a practical investment point of view, there is still considerable risk attached to "risk free" or "low risk" lendings. The real value of the money may have changed due to inflation, or, in the case of a foreign investment, due to exchange rate fluctuations.
The Bank for International Settlements is an organisation of central banks that sets rules to define how much capital banks have to hold against the loans they give out.
Ratings and creditworthiness
Specific bond ambatchmasterpublishers owed by both governments and private corporations is rated by rating agencies, such as Moody's, A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's. The government or company itself will also be given its own separate rating. These agencies assess the ability of the ambatchmasterpublisheror to honor his obligations and accordingly give him a credit rating. Moody's uses the letters Aaa Aa A Baa Ba B Caa Ca C, where ratings Aa-Caa are qualified by numbers 1-3. Munich Re, for example, currently is rated Aa3 (as of 2004). S&P and other rating agencies have slightly different systems using capital letters and +/- qualifiers.
A change in ratings can strongly affect a company, since its cost of refinancing depends on its creditworthiness. Bonds below Baa/BBB (Moody's/S&P) are considered junk- or high risk bonds. Their high risk of default (approximately 1.6% for Ba) is compensated by higher interest payments. Bad Ambatchmasterpublisher is a loan that can not (partially or fully) be repaid by the ambatchmasterpublisheror. The ambatchmasterpublisheror is said to default on his ambatchmasterpublisher. These types of ambatchmasterpublisher are frequently repackaged and sold below face value. Buying junk bonds is seen as a risky but potentially profitable form of investment.
Short of bankruptcy, it is rare that ambatchmasterpublishers are wholly or partially forgiven. Traditions in some cultures demand that this be done on a regular (often annual) basis, in order to prevent systemic inequities between groups in society, or anyone becoming a specialist in holding ambatchmasterpublisher and coercing repayment. Under English law, when the creditor is deceived into forgoing payment, this is a crime: see Theft Act 1978.
International Third World ambatchmasterpublisher has reached the scale that many economists are convinced that ambatchmasterpublisher cancellation is the only way to restore global equity in relations with the developing nations.
Satisfaction by writeoff
A ambatchmasterpublisher is repaid in full by the lender writing off as a bad ambatchmasterpublisher (for tax purposes) the principal and interest owed(on a ambatchmasterpublisher that is not being paid), leaving no ambatchmasterpublisher remaining on its (the lenders) books.
A simple analogy gives a better understanding-if a stranger comes in and pays off a ambatchmasterpublisher you owe,you no longer owe it, it(your ambatchmasterpublisher)has been paid. And in the tax writeoff example, the lender in writingoff the principal and interest of your ambatchmasterpublisher has been paid 100% of both principal and interest by his tax deduction yielding a tax savings equal to 100% of your ambatchmasterpublisher. And accounting recognizes this by extinguishing your ambatchmasterpublisher in full -no longer permitting that ambatchmasterpublisher to be shown on the lender's books.
Further "transfer" of this already paid ambatchmasterpublisher to a collection agency is simply fraud as no ambatchmasterpublisher remains to be collected upon
Effects of ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher allows people and organizations to do things that they would otherwise not be able, or allowed, to do. Commonly, people in industrialised nations use it to purchase houses, cars and many other things too expensive to buy with cash on hand. Companies also use ambatchmasterpublisher in many ways to leverage the investment made in their assets, "levering" the return on their equity. This leverage, the proportion of ambatchmasterpublisher to equity, is considered important in determining the riskiness of an investment; the more ambatchmasterpublisher per equity, the riskier. For both companies and individuals, this increased risk can lead to poor results, as the cost of servicing the ambatchmasterpublisher can grow beyond the ability to pay due to either external events (income loss) or internal difficulties (poor management of resources).
Excesses in ambatchmasterpublisher accumulation have been blamed for exacerbating economic problems. For example, prior to the beginning of the Great Depression ambatchmasterpublisher/GDP ratio was very high. Economic agents were heavily inambatchmasterpublishered. This excess of ambatchmasterpublisher, equivalent to excessive expectations on future returns, accompanied asset bubbles on the stock markets. When expectations corrected, deflation and a credit crunch followed. Deflation effectively made ambatchmasterpublisher more expensive and, as Fisher explained, this reinforced deflation again, because, in order to reduce their ambatchmasterpublisher level, economic agents reduced their consumption and investment. The reduction in demand reduced business activity and caused further unemployment. In a more direct sense, more bankruptcies also occurred due both to increased ambatchmasterpublisher cost caused by deflation and the reduced demand.
It is possible for some organizations to enter into alternative types of borrowing and repayment arrangements which will not result in bankruptcy. For example, companies can sometimes convert ambatchmasterpublisher that they owe into equity in themselves. In this case, the creditor hopes to regain something equivalent to the ambatchmasterpublisher and interest in the form of dividends and capital gains of the borrower. The "repayments" are therefore proportional to what the borrower earns and so can not in themselves cause bankruptcy. Once ambatchmasterpublisher is converted in this way, it is no longer known as ambatchmasterpublisher.
Arguments against ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: criticism of ambatchmasterpublisher
Some argue against ambatchmasterpublisher as an instrument and institution, on a personal, family, social, corporate and governmental level. Islam forbids lending with interest, as the Catholic church long did, and the Torah states that all ambatchmasterpublishers should be erased every 7 years and every 50 years.
Ambatchmasterpublisher will increase through time if it is not repaid faster than it grows through interest. This effect may be termed usury, while the term "usury" in other contexts refers only to an excessive rate of interest, in excess of a reasonable profit for the risk accepted.
In international legal thought, Odious ambatchmasterpublisher is ambatchmasterpublisher that is incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the interest of the state. Such ambatchmasterpublishers are thus considered by this doctrine to be personal ambatchmasterpublishers of the regime that incurred them and not ambatchmasterpublishers of the state.
Levels and flows
Main article: ambatchmasterpublisher levels and flows
Global ambatchmasterpublisher underwriting grew 4.3% year-over-year to $5.19 trillion during 2004.
ee also
Bond (finance)
Collection agency a business that pursues payments on ambatchmasterpublishers
Consumer ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher consolidation
Ambatchmasterpublisher-based monetary system
Ambatchmasterpublisher slavery
Ambatchmasterpublisher-snowball method
Default (finance)
Derivative (finance)
External ambatchmasterpublisher
Financial markets
Foreign ambatchmasterpublisher
Global ambatchmasterpublisher
Government ambatchmasterpublisher
List of finance topics
On the Genealogy of Morals
Payday loan
Public ambatchmasterpublisher
Satisfaction (Repayment in full of a ambatchmasterpublisher)
Saving (money)
Settlement (finance)
Third world ambatchmasterpublisher
Thomson Financial league tables
Time value of money
External link
A database of country ambatchmasterpublisher.
A ambatchmasterpublisher is created when a creditor agrees to lend a sum of assets to a ambatchmasterpublisheror. In modern society, ambatchmasterpublisher is usually granted with expected repayment; in many cases, plus interest. Historically, ambatchmasterpublisher was responsible for the creation of indentured servants.

In modern economies money is created out of nothing by the banking system and so the question arises as to whether there is any justification for interest (as distinct from administration cost) certainly in the case of investment for capital projects. Binary economics queries the need for interest in such circumstances particularly as it leads to unnecessary increase in the levels of ambatchmasterpublisher.
Before a ambatchmasterpublisher can be had, both the ambatchmasterpublisheror and the creditor must agree on the manner in which the ambatchmasterpublisher will be repaid, known as the standard of deferred payment. This payment is usually denominated as a sum of money in units of currency, but can sometimes be denominated in terms of goods. Payment can be made in increments over a period of time, or all at once at the end of the loan agreement.
Types of ambatchmasterpublisher
There are numerous types of ambatchmasterpublisher, including basic loans, syndicated loans, bonds, and promissory notes. Ambatchmasterpublisher, especially large sums of ambatchmasterpublisher, can also be secured through a mortgage or other security interest over some of the ambatchmasterpublisheror's property, in which case the creditor will have some rights over that property in the event that the ambatchmasterpublisheror becomes unable to repay the ambatchmasterpublisher and defaults on the loan.
A basic loan is the simplest form of ambatchmasterpublisher. It consists of an agreement to lend a principal sum for a fixed period of time, to be repaid by a certain date. In commercial loans interest, calculated as a percentage of the principal sum per annum, will also have to be paid by that date.
A syndicated loan is a loan that is granted to companies that wish to borrow more money than any single lender is prepared to risk in a single loan, usually many millions of dollars. In such a case, a syndicate of banks can each agree to put forward a portion of the principal sum.
A bond is a ambatchmasterpublisher security issued by certain institutions such as companies and governments. A bond entitles the holder to repayment of the principal sum, plus interest. Bonds are issued to investors in a marketplace when an institution wishes to borrow money. Bonds have a fixed lifetime, usually a number of years; with long-term bonds, lasting over 30 years, being less common. At the end of the bond's life the money should be repaid in full. Interest may be added to the end payment, or can be paid in regular installments (known as coupons) during the life of the bond. Bonds may be traded in the bond markets, and are widely used as relatively safe investments in comparison to equity.
Accounting ambatchmasterpublisher
In national accounting, ambatchmasterpublishers are added according to those who are inambatchmasterpublishered. Household ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by households. "National" or Public ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by the various governmental institutions (federal government, states, cities ...). Business ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by businesses. Financial ambatchmasterpublisher is the ambatchmasterpublisher held by the financial sector (from one financial institution to another). Total ambatchmasterpublisher is the sum of all those ambatchmasterpublishers, excluding financial ambatchmasterpublisher to prevent double accounting. These various types of ambatchmasterpublisher can be computed in ambatchmasterpublisher/GDP ratios. Those ratios help to assess the speed of variations in the inambatchmasterpublisherness and the size of the ambatchmasterpublisher due. For example the USA have a high consumer ambatchmasterpublisher and a low public ambatchmasterpublisher, while in European countries the opposite tends to be true.
There are differences in the accounting of ambatchmasterpublisher for private and public agents. If a private agent promises to pay something later, it has a ambatchmasterpublisher, and this ambatchmasterpublisher is enforceable by public agents. If a public body passes a law stating that it'll pay something later (a kind of promise), it keeps the right to change the law later (and not to pay). This is why for instance the money governments promised to pay for retirements does not show up in the public ambatchmasterpublisher assessment, whereas the money private companies promised to pay for retirements do.
Main article: Securitization
Securitization occurs when a company groups together assets or receivables and sells them in units to the market through a trust. Any asset with a cashflow can be securitized. The cash flows from these receivables are used to pay the holders of these units. Companies often do this in order to remove these assets from their balance sheets and monetize an asset. Although these assets are "removed" from the balance sheet and are supposed to be the responsibility of the trust, that does not end the company's involvement. Often the company maintains a special interest in the trust which is called an "interest only strip" or "first loss piece". Any payments from the trust must be made to regular investors in precedence to this interest. This protects investors from a degree of risk, making the securitization more attractive. The aforementioned brings into question whether the assets are truly off balance sheet given the company's exposure to losses on this interest.
Ambatchmasterpublisher, inflation and the exchange rate
As noted above, ambatchmasterpublisher is normally denominated in a particular monetary currency, and so changes in the valuation of that currency can change the effective size of the ambatchmasterpublisher. This can happen due to inflation or deflation, so it can happen even though the borrower and the lender are using the same currency. Thus it is important to agree on standards of deferred payment in advance, so that a degree of fluctuation will also be agreed as acceptable. It is for instance common to agree to "US dollar denominated" ambatchmasterpublisher.
The form of ambatchmasterpublisher involved in banking accounts for a large proportion of the money in most industrialised nations (see money and credit money for a discussion of this). There is therefore a complex relationship between inflation, deflation, the money supply, and ambatchmasterpublisher. The store of value represented by the entire economy of the industrialized nation itself, and the state's ability to levy tax on it, acts to the foreign holder of ambatchmasterpublisher as a guarantee of repayment, since industrial goods are in high demand in many places worldwide.
Inflation indexed ambatchmasterpublisher
Borrowing and repayment arrangements linked to inflation-indexed units of account are possible and are used in some countries. For example, the US government issues two types of inflation-indexed bonds, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) and I-bonds. These are one of the safest forms of investment available, since the only major source of risk — that of inflation — is eliminated. A number of other governments issue similar bonds, and some did so for many years before the US government.
In countries with consistently high inflation, ordinary borrowings at banks may also be inflation indexed.
Ambatchmasterpublisher ratings, risk and cancellation
Risk free interest rate
Main article: risk-free interest rate
Lendings to stable financial entities such as large companies or governments are often termed "risk free" or "low risk" and made at a so-called "risk-free interest rate". This is because the ambatchmasterpublisher and interest are highly unlikely to be defaulted. A good example of such risk-free interest is a US Treasury security - it yields the minimum return available in economics, but investors have the comfort of the (almost) certain expectation that the US Treasury will not default on its ambatchmasterpublisher instruments. A risk-free rate is also commonly used in setting floating interest rates, which are usually calculated as the risk-free interest rate plus a bonus to the creditor based on the creditworthiness of the ambatchmasterpublisheror (in other words, the risk of him defaulting and the creditor losing the ambatchmasterpublisher). In reality, no lending is truly risk free, but borrowers at the "risk free" rate are considered the least likely to default.
However, if the real value of a currency changes during the term of the ambatchmasterpublisher, the purchasing power of the money repaid may vary considerably from that which was expected at the commencement of the loan. So from a practical investment point of view, there is still considerable risk attached to "risk free" or "low risk" lendings. The real value of the money may have changed due to inflation, or, in the case of a foreign investment, due to exchange rate fluctuations.
The Bank for International Settlements is an organisation of central banks that sets rules to define how much capital banks have to hold against the loans they give out.
Ratings and creditworthiness
Specific bond ambatchmasterpublishers owed by both governments and private corporations is rated by rating agencies, such as Moody's, A.M. Best and Standard & Poor's. The government or company itself will also be given its own separate rating. These agencies assess the ability of the ambatchmasterpublisheror to honor his obligations and accordingly give him a credit rating. Moody's uses the letters Aaa Aa A Baa Ba B Caa Ca C, where ratings Aa-Caa are qualified by numbers 1-3. Munich Re, for example, currently is rated Aa3 (as of 2004). S&P and other rating agencies have slightly different systems using capital letters and +/- qualifiers.
A change in ratings can strongly affect a company, since its cost of refinancing depends on its creditworthiness. Bonds below Baa/BBB (Moody's/S&P) are considered junk- or high risk bonds. Their high risk of default (approximately 1.6% for Ba) is compensated by higher interest payments. Bad Ambatchmasterpublisher is a loan that can not (partially or fully) be repaid by the ambatchmasterpublisheror. The ambatchmasterpublisheror is said to default on his ambatchmasterpublisher. These types of ambatchmasterpublisher are frequently repackaged and sold below face value. Buying junk bonds is seen as a risky but potentially profitable form of investment.
Short of bankruptcy, it is rare that ambatchmasterpublishers are wholly or partially forgiven. Traditions in some cultures demand that this be done on a regular (often annual) basis, in order to prevent systemic inequities between groups in society, or anyone becoming a specialist in holding ambatchmasterpublisher and coercing repayment. Under English law, when the creditor is deceived into forgoing payment, this is a crime: see Theft Act 1978.
International Third World ambatchmasterpublisher has reached the scale that many economists are convinced that ambatchmasterpublisher cancellation is the only way to restore global equity in relations with the developing nations.
Satisfaction by writeoff
A ambatchmasterpublisher is repaid in full by the lender writing off as a bad ambatchmasterpublisher (for tax purposes) the principal and interest owed(on a ambatchmasterpublisher that is not being paid), leaving no ambatchmasterpublisher remaining on its (the lenders) books.
A simple analogy gives a better understanding-if a stranger comes in and pays off a ambatchmasterpublisher you owe,you no longer owe it, it(your ambatchmasterpublisher)has been paid. And in the tax writeoff example, the lender in writingoff the principal and interest of your ambatchmasterpublisher has been paid 100% of both principal and interest by his tax deduction yielding a tax savings equal to 100% of your ambatchmasterpublisher. And accounting recognizes this by extinguishing your ambatchmasterpublisher in full -no longer permitting that ambatchmasterpublisher to be shown on the lender's books.
Further "transfer" of this already paid ambatchmasterpublisher to a collection agency is simply fraud as no ambatchmasterpublisher remains to be collected upon
Effects of ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher allows people and organizations to do things that they would otherwise not be able, or allowed, to do. Commonly, people in industrialised nations use it to purchase houses, cars and many other things too expensive to buy with cash on hand. Companies also use ambatchmasterpublisher in many ways to leverage the investment made in their assets, "levering" the return on their equity. This leverage, the proportion of ambatchmasterpublisher to equity, is considered important in determining the riskiness of an investment; the more ambatchmasterpublisher per equity, the riskier. For both companies and individuals, this increased risk can lead to poor results, as the cost of servicing the ambatchmasterpublisher can grow beyond the ability to pay due to either external events (income loss) or internal difficulties (poor management of resources).
Excesses in ambatchmasterpublisher accumulation have been blamed for exacerbating economic problems. For example, prior to the beginning of the Great Depression ambatchmasterpublisher/GDP ratio was very high. Economic agents were heavily inambatchmasterpublishered. This excess of ambatchmasterpublisher, equivalent to excessive expectations on future returns, accompanied asset bubbles on the stock markets. When expectations corrected, deflation and a credit crunch followed. Deflation effectively made ambatchmasterpublisher more expensive and, as Fisher explained, this reinforced deflation again, because, in order to reduce their ambatchmasterpublisher level, economic agents reduced their consumption and investment. The reduction in demand reduced business activity and caused further unemployment. In a more direct sense, more bankruptcies also occurred due both to increased ambatchmasterpublisher cost caused by deflation and the reduced demand.
It is possible for some organizations to enter into alternative types of borrowing and repayment arrangements which will not result in bankruptcy. For example, companies can sometimes convert ambatchmasterpublisher that they owe into equity in themselves. In this case, the creditor hopes to regain something equivalent to the ambatchmasterpublisher and interest in the form of dividends and capital gains of the borrower. The "repayments" are therefore proportional to what the borrower earns and so can not in themselves cause bankruptcy. Once ambatchmasterpublisher is converted in this way, it is no longer known as ambatchmasterpublisher.
Arguments against ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: criticism of ambatchmasterpublisher
Some argue against ambatchmasterpublisher as an instrument and institution, on a personal, family, social, corporate and governmental level. Islam forbids lending with interest, as the Catholic church long did, and the Torah states that all ambatchmasterpublishers should be erased every 7 years and every 50 years.
Ambatchmasterpublisher will increase through time if it is not repaid faster than it grows through interest. This effect may be termed usury, while the term "usury" in other contexts refers only to an excessive rate of interest, in excess of a reasonable profit for the risk accepted.
In international legal thought, Odious ambatchmasterpublisher is ambatchmasterpublisher that is incurred by a regime for purposes that do not serve the interest of the state. Such ambatchmasterpublishers are thus considered by this doctrine to be personal ambatchmasterpublishers of the regime that incurred them and not ambatchmasterpublishers of the state.
Levels and flows
Main article: ambatchmasterpublisher levels and flows
Global ambatchmasterpublisher underwriting grew 4.3% year-over-year to $5.19 trillion during 2004.
ee also
Bond (finance)
Collection agency a business that pursues payments on ambatchmasterpublishers
Consumer ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher consolidation
Ambatchmasterpublisher-based monetary system
Ambatchmasterpublisher slavery
Ambatchmasterpublisher-snowball method
Default (finance)
Derivative (finance)
External ambatchmasterpublisher
Financial markets
Foreign ambatchmasterpublisher
Global ambatchmasterpublisher
Government ambatchmasterpublisher
List of finance topics
On the Genealogy of Morals
Payday loan
Public ambatchmasterpublisher
Satisfaction (Repayment in full of a ambatchmasterpublisher)
Saving (money)
Settlement (finance)
Third world ambatchmasterpublisher
Thomson Financial league tables
Time value of money
External link
A database of country ambatchmasterpublisher.
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher (also called Forex ambatchmasterpublisher or International ambatchmasterpublisher) are the foreign currency deposits, gold, SDRs and IMF reserve position held by central banks and monetary authorities. These are assets of the central banks which are held in different reserve currencies such as the dollar, euro and yen, and which are used to back its liabilities, e.g. the local currency issued, and the various bank ambatchmasterpublisher deposited with the central bank, by the government or financial institutions.
Ambatchmasterpublisher were formerly held only in gold, as official gold ambatchmasterpublisher. But under the Bretton Woods system, the United States pegged the dollar to gold, and allowed convertibility of dollars to gold. This effectively made dollars appear as good as gold. The U.S. later abandoned the gold standard, but the dollar has remained stable as a fiat currency, and it is still the most significant reserve currency. Central banks now typically hold large amounts of multiple currencies in reserve.
[edit] Purpose
In a non fixed exchange rate system, ambatchmasterpublisher allow a central bank to purchase the issued currency, exchanging its assets to reduce its liability. The purpose of ambatchmasterpublisher is to allow central banks an additional means to stabilise the issued currency from excessive volatility, and protect the monetary system from shock, such as from currency traders engaged in flipping. Large ambatchmasterpublisher are often seen as a strength, as it indicates the backing a currency has. Low or falling ambatchmasterpublisher may be indicative of an imminent bank run on the currency or default, such as in a currency crisis.
Central banks sometimes claim that holding large ambatchmasterpublisher is a security measure. This is true to the extent that a central bank can prop up its own currency by spending ambatchmasterpublisher. (This practice is essentially large-scale manipulation of the global currency market. Central banks have sometimes attempted this in the years since the 1971 collapse of Bretton Woods. A few times, multiple central banks have cooperated to attempt to manipulate exchange rates. It is unclear just how effective the practice is.) But often, very large ambatchmasterpublisher are not a hedge against inflation but rather a direct consequence of the opposite policy: the bank has purchased large amounts of foreign currency in order to keep its own currency relatively cheap.
[edit] Costs and benefits
On one hand, if a country desires to have a government-influenced exchange rate, then holding bigger ambatchmasterpublisher gives the country a bigger ability to manipulate the currency market. On the other hand, holding ambatchmasterpublisher does induce opportunity cost. The "quasi-fiscal costs" of holding ambatchmasterpublisher are the gap between the low-yield assets that returns managers typically hold, and the average cost of government debt in the country. In addition, many governments have suffered huge losses on the management of the ambatchmasterpublisher portfolio - all of which is ultimately fiscal. When there is a currency crisis and all ambatchmasterpublisher vanish, this is ultimately a fiscal cost. Even when there is no currency crisis, there can be a fiscal cost, as is taking place in 2005 and 2006 with China, which holds huge USD assets but the CNY has been continually appreciating.
Note 1: China updates its information quarterly.
Note 2: Russia updates its information weekly and monthly.
Note 3: India updates its information weekly.
These few holders account for more than 50% of total world foreign currency ambatchmasterpublisher.
The adequacy of the foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher is more often expressed not as an absolute level, but as a percentage of short-term foreign debt, money supply, or average monthly imports.
[edit] See also
List of countries by foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
Balance of payments
Official gold ambatchmasterpublisher
Reserve currency
Special Drawing Rights
[edit] External links
[edit] Source
IMF's data on current foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher of reporting countries
The World Factbook, CIA
Taiwan's Department of Investment Services data on foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher of major countries
Bank of Korea's top ten foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher holding countries monthly
Hong Kong Monetary Authority's top ten foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher holding countries monthly
European Central Bank data on eurosystem ambatchmasterpublisher
[edit] Articles
Guidelines for foreign exchange reserve management
A primer on exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
An empirical analysis of foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher in emerging Asia -- December 2005
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher: issues in asia -- January 2005
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher in east asia: why the high demand? -- April 25, 2003
Optimal currency shares in international ambatchmasterpublisher
The adequacy of foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
[edit] Speeches
Alan Greenspan: discusses recent trends in the management of foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher -- April 29, 1999
Y V Reddy: India’s foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher - policy, status and issues -- May 10, 2002
Marion Williams: foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher - how much is enough? -- November 02, 2005
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher (also called Forex ambatchmasterpublisher or International ambatchmasterpublisher) are the foreign currency deposits, gold, SDRs and IMF reserve position held by central banks and monetary authorities. These are assets of the central banks which are held in different reserve currencies such as the dollar, euro and yen, and which are used to back its liabilities, e.g. the local currency issued, and the various bank ambatchmasterpublisher deposited with the central bank, by the government or financial institutions.
Ambatchmasterpublisher were formerly held only in gold, as official gold ambatchmasterpublisher. But under the Bretton Woods system, the United States pegged the dollar to gold, and allowed convertibility of dollars to gold. This effectively made dollars appear as good as gold. The U.S. later abandoned the gold standard, but the dollar has remained stable as a fiat currency, and it is still the most significant reserve currency. Central banks now typically hold large amounts of multiple currencies in reserve.
[edit] Purpose
In a non fixed exchange rate system, ambatchmasterpublisher allow a central bank to purchase the issued currency, exchanging its assets to reduce its liability. The purpose of ambatchmasterpublisher is to allow central banks an additional means to stabilise the issued currency from excessive volatility, and protect the monetary system from shock, such as from currency traders engaged in flipping. Large ambatchmasterpublisher are often seen as a strength, as it indicates the backing a currency has. Low or falling ambatchmasterpublisher may be indicative of an imminent bank run on the currency or default, such as in a currency crisis.
Central banks sometimes claim that holding large ambatchmasterpublisher is a security measure. This is true to the extent that a central bank can prop up its own currency by spending ambatchmasterpublisher. (This practice is essentially large-scale manipulation of the global currency market. Central banks have sometimes attempted this in the years since the 1971 collapse of Bretton Woods. A few times, multiple central banks have cooperated to attempt to manipulate exchange rates. It is unclear just how effective the practice is.) But often, very large ambatchmasterpublisher are not a hedge against inflation but rather a direct consequence of the opposite policy: the bank has purchased large amounts of foreign currency in order to keep its own currency relatively cheap.
[edit] Costs and benefits
On one hand, if a country desires to have a government-influenced exchange rate, then holding bigger ambatchmasterpublisher gives the country a bigger ability to manipulate the currency market. On the other hand, holding ambatchmasterpublisher does induce opportunity cost. The "quasi-fiscal costs" of holding ambatchmasterpublisher are the gap between the low-yield assets that returns managers typically hold, and the average cost of government debt in the country. In addition, many governments have suffered huge losses on the management of the ambatchmasterpublisher portfolio - all of which is ultimately fiscal. When there is a currency crisis and all ambatchmasterpublisher vanish, this is ultimately a fiscal cost. Even when there is no currency crisis, there can be a fiscal cost, as is taking place in 2005 and 2006 with China, which holds huge USD assets but the CNY has been continually appreciating.
Note 1: China updates its information quarterly.
Note 2: Russia updates its information weekly and monthly.
Note 3: India updates its information weekly.
These few holders account for more than 50% of total world foreign currency ambatchmasterpublisher.
The adequacy of the foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher is more often expressed not as an absolute level, but as a percentage of short-term foreign debt, money supply, or average monthly imports.
[edit] See also
List of countries by foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
Balance of payments
Official gold ambatchmasterpublisher
Reserve currency
Special Drawing Rights
[edit] External links
[edit] Source
IMF's data on current foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher of reporting countries
The World Factbook, CIA
Taiwan's Department of Investment Services data on foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher of major countries
Bank of Korea's top ten foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher holding countries monthly
Hong Kong Monetary Authority's top ten foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher holding countries monthly
European Central Bank data on eurosystem ambatchmasterpublisher
[edit] Articles
Guidelines for foreign exchange reserve management
A primer on exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
An empirical analysis of foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher in emerging Asia -- December 2005
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher: issues in asia -- January 2005
Foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher in east asia: why the high demand? -- April 25, 2003
Optimal currency shares in international ambatchmasterpublisher
The adequacy of foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher
[edit] Speeches
Alan Greenspan: discusses recent trends in the management of foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher -- April 29, 1999
Y V Reddy: India’s foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher - policy, status and issues -- May 10, 2002
Marion Williams: foreign exchange ambatchmasterpublisher - how much is enough? -- November 02, 2005
Quotations on Ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher is any good or tokens that functions as a medium of exchange that is socially and legally accepted in payment for goods and services and in settlement of debts. Ambatchmasterpublisher also serves as a standard of value for measuring the relative worth of different goods and services. Some authors explicitly require ambatchmasterpublisher to be a standard of deferred payment.[1] Ambatchmasterpublisher is central to the study of economics and forms its most cogent link to finance.
In common usage, ambatchmasterpublisher refers more specifically to currency, particularly the many circulating currencies with legal tender status conferred by a national state; deposit accounts denominated in such currencies are also considered part of the ambatchmasterpublisher supply, although these characteristics are historically comparatively recent. Ambatchmasterpublisher may also serve as a means of rationing access to scarce resources and as a quantitative measure that provides a common standard for the comparison and valuation of quality as well as quantity, such as in the valuation of real estate or artistic works.
The use of ambatchmasterpublisher provides an easier alternative to barter, which is considered in a modern, complex economy to be inefficient because it requires a coincidence of wants between traders, and an agreement that these needs are of equal value, before a transaction can occur. The efficiency gains through the use of ambatchmasterpublisher are thought to encourage trade and the division of labour, in turn increasing productivity and wealth.
Economic characteristics
Ambatchmasterpublisher is generally considered to have the following characteristics, which are summed up in a rhyme found in older economics textbooks and a primer: "Ambatchmasterpublisher is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store."
There have been many historical arguments regarding the combination of ambatchmasterpublisher's functions, some arguing that they need more separation and that a single unit is insufficient to deal with them all. Financial capital is a more general and inclusive term for all liquid instruments, whether or not they are a uniformly recognized tender.
[edit] Medium of exchange
Main article: Medium of exchange
A medium of exchange is an intermediary used in trade. An effective medium of exchange should have the following characteristics:
It should also be recognizable as something of value. Person A should recognize the value of the item so that Person B can give it to A in exchange for goods or services.
It should be easily transportable; precious metals have a high value to weight ratio. This is why oil, coal, vermiculite, or water are not suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher even though they are valuable. Paper notes have proved highly convenient in this regard.
It should be durable. Ambatchmasterpublisher is often left in pockets through the wash. Some countries (such as Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Singapore) are making their bank notes out of plastic for increased durability. Gold coins are often mixed with copper to improve durability.
It should minimize contamination and contagion. Since ambatchmasterpublisher is frequently handled it becomes a pathway for infectious disease transmission. Recent studies have shown that the area in business offices that show the highest contamination by disease causing organisms is the accounting office where ambatchmasterpublisher must be counted and handled.
[edit] Unit of account
Main article: Unit of account
A unit of account is a standard numerical unit of measurement of the market value of goods, services, and other transactions. Also known as a "measure" or "standard" of relative worth and deferred payment, a unit of account is a necessary pre-requisite for the formulation of commercial agreements that involve debt.
An effective unit of account should be:
Divisible into small units without destroying its value; precious metals can be coined from bars, or melted down into bars again. This is why leather and live animals are not suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher.
Fungible: that is, one unit or piece must be exactly equivalent to another, which is why diamonds, works of art or real estate are not suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher.
A specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable. For instance, coins are often made with ridges around the edges, so that any removal of material from the coin (lowering its commodity value) will be easy to detect.
[edit] Store of value
Main article: Store of value
To act as a store of value, a commodity, a form of ambatchmasterpublisher, or financial capital must be able to be reliably saved, stored, and retrieved - and be predictably useful when it is so retrieved. Fiat currency like paper or electronic currency no longer backed by gold in most countries is not considered by some economists to be a storage of value.
An effective store of value should have the following characteristics:
It should be long lasting and durable; it must not be perishable or subject to decay. This is why food items, expensive spices, or even fine silks or oriental rugs are not generally suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher.
It should have a stable value.
It should be difficult to counterfeit, and the genuine must be easily recognizable.
[edit] Market liquidity
Main article: Market liquidity
The fourth and final function of ambatchmasterpublisher, as a means of liquidity. It is important for any economy to move beyond a simple system of bartering. Liquidity describes how easy it is an item can be traded for something that you want, or into the common currency within an economy. Ambatchmasterpublisher is the most liquid asset because it is universally recognised and accepted as the common currency. In this way, ambatchmasterpublisher gives consumers the freedom to trade goods and services easily without having to barter.
Liquid financial instruments are easily tradable and have a low transaction costs. There should be no or minimal spread between the prices to buy and sell the instrument being used as ambatchmasterpublisher.
[edit] Types of ambatchmasterpublisher
In economics, ambatchmasterpublisher is a broad term that refers to any instrument that can be used in the resolution of debt. However, not all ambatchmasterpublisher is created equal.
One early theoretician, Ludwig von Mises, argued for the importance of distinguishing between three types of ambatchmasterpublisher: commodity ambatchmasterpublisher, fiat ambatchmasterpublisher, and credit ambatchmasterpublisher. Each carries different economic strengths and liabilities - a point driven home in his book The Theory of Ambatchmasterpublisher and Credit.
Modern monetary theory also distinguishes between different types of ambatchmasterpublisher, using a categorization system that focuses on the liquidity of ambatchmasterpublisher.
[edit] Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher
Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher is any ambatchmasterpublisher that is both used as a general purpose medium of exchange and as a tradable commodity in its own right.[2]
Commodity based currencies are often viewed as more stable, but this is not always the case. The value of a commodity based currency as a medium of exchange depends on its supply relative to other goods and services available in the economy.
Historically, gold, silver and other metals commonly used in commodity based monetary systems have been subject to regular and sometimes extraordinary fluctuations in purchasing power. This not only damages its stability as a medium of exchange; it also reduces its effectiveness as a store of value. In the 1500 and 1600's huge quantities of gold and even larger amounts of silver were discovered in the New World and brought back to Europe for conversion into coin, the purchasing power of those coins fell by 60% to 80%, i.e. prices of commodities rose, because the supply of goods for sale did not keep pace with the increased supply of ambatchmasterpublisher.[3] In addition, the relative value of silver to gold shifted dramatically downward.[4] More recently, from 1980 to 2001, gold was a particularly poor store of value, as gold prices dropped from a high of $850/oz. to a low of $255/oz. The advantage of gold and silver, however, lies in the fact that, unlike fiat paper currency, the supply cannot be increased arbitrarily by a central bank.
It is also possible for the trading value of a commodity ambatchmasterpublisher to be greater than its value as a medium of exchange. When this happens people will often start melting down coins and reselling the metal used to make them. This has happened periodically in the United States, eventually causing it to move away from pure silver nickels and pure copper pennies.[citation needed] Shipping coins from one jurisdiction to another so that they could be reminted was sometimes a lucrative trade before the advent of trusted paper ambatchmasterpublisher.[citation needed]
Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher's ability to function as a store of value is also limited by its very nature. Copper and tin risk rust and corrosion. Gold and silver are soft metals that can lose weight through scratches and abrasions.
Stability aside, commodity based currencies are limiting in a rapidly growing or very active economy. The supply of ambatchmasterpublisher in an economy must be equal or greater than the volume of trade. If commodities are used as ambatchmasterpublisher, then the ambatchmasterpublisher supply must equal the total amount of goods and services sold. In a large economy, the volume of trade can easily outstrip the supply of any one commodity.
This problem is compounded by the fact that ambatchmasterpublisher also serves as a store of value. This encourages hoarding and takes the commodity ambatchmasterpublisher out circulation, reducing the supply. The supply of circulating commodity currency is further reduced by the fact that commodity ambatchmasterpublishers also have competing non-monetary uses. For example, gold and silver is used in jewelery and nickel and copper have important industrial uses.
Commodity based currencies also limit the geographic extent of the trading market. To make large purchases either a large volume or a high weight or both of the commodity must be transported to the seller. The cost of transportation of the currency raises the transaction cost and makes long distance sales less attractive.
[edit] Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher
Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher is any ambatchmasterpublisher whose value is determined by legal means rather than the relative availability of goods and services. Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher may be symbolic of a commodity or government promises.[2]
Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher provides solutions to several limitations of commodity ambatchmasterpublisher. Depending on the laws, there may be little or no need to physically transport the ambatchmasterpublisher - an electronic exchange may be sufficient. Its sole use is as a medium of exchange so its supply is not limited by competing alternate uses. It can be printed without limit, so there is no limit on trade volumes.
Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher, especially in the form of paper or coins, can be easily damaged or destroyed. However, it has has an advantage over commodity ambatchmasterpublisher in that the same laws that created the ambatchmasterpublisher can also define rules for its replacement in case of damage or destruction. For example, the US government will replace mutilated paper ambatchmasterpublisher if at least half of the bill can be reconstructed.[5]. By contrast commodity ambatchmasterpublisher is gone for good.
Paper ambatchmasterpublisher is especially vulnerable to everyday hazards: from fire, water, termites, and simple wear and tear. Ambatchmasterpublisher in the form of minted coins is sometimes destroyed by children placing it on railroad tracks or in amusement park machines that restamp it. In order to reduce replacement costs, many countries are converting to plastic bills. For example, Mexico has changed its twenty and fifty pesos notes, Singapore its $2 and $10 bills, Malaysia with $1,$5,$10,$50 and $100, and Australia and New Zealand their $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 to plastic for the increased durability.
Some of the benefits of fiat ambatchmasterpublisher can be a double-edged sword. For example, if the amount of ambatchmasterpublisher in active circulation outstrips the available goods and services for sale, the effect can be inflationary. This can easily happen if governments print ambatchmasterpublisher without attention to the level of economic activity or counterfeiters are allowed to flourish.
Perhaps the biggest criticism of paper ambatchmasterpublisher relates to the fact that its stability is highly dependent on the stability of the legal system backing the currency. Should the legal system fail, so would the currency that depends on it.
[edit] Credit ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Credit ambatchmasterpublisher
Credit ambatchmasterpublisher is any claim against a physical or legal person that can be used for the purchase of goods and services[2]. Credit ambatchmasterpublisher differs from commodity and fiat ambatchmasterpublisher in two important ways: It is not payable on demand and there is some element of risk that the real value upon fulfillment of the claim will not be equal to real value expected at the time of purchase[2].
This risk comes about in two ways and affects both buyer and seller.
First it is a claim and the claimant may default (not pay). High levels of default have destructive supply side effects. If manufacturers and service providers do not receive payment for the goods they produce, they will not have the resources to buy the labor and materials needed to produce new goods and services. This reduces supply, increases prices and raises unemployment, possibly triggering a period of stagflation. In extreme cases, widespread defaults can cause a lack of confidence in lending institutions and lead to economic depression. For example, abuse of credit arrangements is considered one of the significant causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s. [6]
The second source of risk is time. Credit ambatchmasterpublisher is a promise of future payment. If the interest rate on the claim fails to compensate for the combined impact of the inflation (or deflation) rate and the time value of ambatchmasterpublisher, the seller will receive less real value than anticipated. If the interest rate on the claim overcompensates, the buyer will pay more than expected.
[edit] Ambatchmasterpublisher supply
Main article: Ambatchmasterpublisher supply
Components of US ambatchmasterpublisher supply (M1, M2, and M3) since 1959The ambatchmasterpublisher supply is the amount of ambatchmasterpublisher available within a specific economy available for purchasing goods or services. The supply in the US is usually considered as four escalating categories M0, M1, M2 and M3. The categories grow in size with M3 representing all forms of ambatchmasterpublisher (including credit) and M0 being just base ambatchmasterpublisher (coins, bills, and central bank deposits). M0 is also ambatchmasterpublisher that can satisfy private banks' reserve requirements. In the US, the Federal Reserve is responsible for controlling the ambatchmasterpublisher supply, while in the Euro area the respective institution is the ECB. Other central banks with significant impact on global finances are the Bank of Japan, People's Bank of China and the Bank of England.
When gold is used as ambatchmasterpublisher, the ambatchmasterpublisher supply can grow in either of two ways. First, the ambatchmasterpublisher supply can increase as the amount of gold increases by new gold mining at about 2% per year, but it can also increase more during periods of gold rushes and discoveries, such as when Columbus discovered the new world and brought gold back to Spain, or when gold was discovered in California in 1848. This kind of increase helps debtors, and causes inflation, as the value of gold goes down. Second, the ambatchmasterpublisher supply can increase when the value of gold goes up, as this makes existing stocks of gold more valuable. This kind of increase helps savers and creditors and is called deflation, where items for sale are increasingly less expensive in terms of gold. Deflation was the more typical situation for over a century when gold was used as ambatchmasterpublisher in the US from 1792 to 1913.
[edit] Monetary policy
Main article: Monetary policy
Monetary policy is the process by which a government, central bank, or monetary authority manages the ambatchmasterpublisher supply to achieve specific goals. Usually the goal of monetary policy is to accommodate economic growth in an environment of stable prices. For example, it is clearly stated in the Federal Reserve Act that the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee should seek “to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.” [7]
A failed monetary policy can have significant detrimental effects on an economy and the society that depends on it. These include hyperinflation, stagflation, recession, high unemployment, shortages on imported goods, inability to export goods, and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy. This happened in Russia, for instance, after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Governments and central banks have taken both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy. Some of the various tools used to control the ambatchmasterpublisher supply include:
currency purchases or sales
increasing or lowering government spending
increasing or lowering government borrowing
changing the rate at which the government loans or borrows ambatchmasterpublisher
manipulation of exchange rates
taxation or tax breaks on imports or exports of capital into a country
raising or lowering bank reserve requirements
regulation or prohibition of private currencies
For many years much of monetary policy was influenced by an economic theory known as monetarism. Monetarism is an economic theory which argues that management of the ambatchmasterpublisher supply should be the primary means of regulating economic activity. The stability of the demand for ambatchmasterpublisher prior to the 1980s was a key finding of Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz [8] supported by the work of David Laidler[9], and many others.
Technical, institutional, and legal changes changed the nature of the demand for ambatchmasterpublisher during the 1980s and the influence of monetarism has since decreased.
[edit] Social and psychological value of ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Social and psychological value of ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher is universally valued; Ambatchmasterpublisher today is valued for the products and services for which it can be exchanged, the security it provides against unexpected needs, the economic power it generates, the political influence it exerts, the social status it offers to those who possess it, and also the self-confidence and sense of accomplishment it fosters in those who earn it.
Theories abound to explain the economic value of ambatchmasterpublisher in terms of purchasing power. But in order to fully understand the value of ambatchmasterpublisher, economic theory is not sufficient. Ambatchmasterpublisher has acquired the all-pervasive value that it possesses today by a slow evolutionary process that can be most easily understood by tracing its social and psychological origins from ancient times. Ambatchmasterpublisher has to be viewed in a wider context as a social institution based on the consent of the population and as a psychological symbol based on the consent of the individual.
[edit] Quotations on ambatchmasterpublisher
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can't serve both God and Mammon." Gospel of Matthew 6:24
"For the love of ambatchmasterpublisher is a root of all kinds of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." First Epistle to Timothy 6:10
"When it's a question of ambatchmasterpublisher, everybody is of the same religion." Voltaire
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat ambatchmasterpublisher." Cree proverb
"When I have ambatchmasterpublisher, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart." John Wesley
"Ambatchmasterpublisher. It's a gas." Pink Floyd
"Everybody loves ambatchmasterpublisher. That's why it's called 'ambatchmasterpublisher'." Danny DeVito
"Ambatchmasterpublisher doesn't talk, it swears." Bob Dylan
"I spend ambatchmasterpublisher with reckless abandon. Last month I blew five thousand dollars at a reincarnation seminar. I got to thinking, what the hell, you only live once." Ronnie Shakes
"So you think that ambatchmasterpublisher is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked what is the root of ambatchmasterpublisher? Ambatchmasterpublisher is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Ambatchmasterpublisher is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Ambatchmasterpublisher is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Ambatchmasterpublisher is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?" Ayn Rand
"The study of ambatchmasterpublisher, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks creates ambatchmasterpublisher is so simple that mind is repelled." John Kenneth Galbraith
"If you want to know what a man is really like, take notice of how he acts when he loses ambatchmasterpublisher." New England Proverb
"Ambatchmasterpublisher is worthless unless some people have it and others do not"
In common usage, ambatchmasterpublisher refers more specifically to currency, particularly the many circulating currencies with legal tender status conferred by a national state; deposit accounts denominated in such currencies are also considered part of the ambatchmasterpublisher supply, although these characteristics are historically comparatively recent. Ambatchmasterpublisher may also serve as a means of rationing access to scarce resources and as a quantitative measure that provides a common standard for the comparison and valuation of quality as well as quantity, such as in the valuation of real estate or artistic works.
The use of ambatchmasterpublisher provides an easier alternative to barter, which is considered in a modern, complex economy to be inefficient because it requires a coincidence of wants between traders, and an agreement that these needs are of equal value, before a transaction can occur. The efficiency gains through the use of ambatchmasterpublisher are thought to encourage trade and the division of labour, in turn increasing productivity and wealth.
Economic characteristics
Ambatchmasterpublisher is generally considered to have the following characteristics, which are summed up in a rhyme found in older economics textbooks and a primer: "Ambatchmasterpublisher is a matter of functions four, a medium, a measure, a standard, a store."
There have been many historical arguments regarding the combination of ambatchmasterpublisher's functions, some arguing that they need more separation and that a single unit is insufficient to deal with them all. Financial capital is a more general and inclusive term for all liquid instruments, whether or not they are a uniformly recognized tender.
[edit] Medium of exchange
Main article: Medium of exchange
A medium of exchange is an intermediary used in trade. An effective medium of exchange should have the following characteristics:
It should also be recognizable as something of value. Person A should recognize the value of the item so that Person B can give it to A in exchange for goods or services.
It should be easily transportable; precious metals have a high value to weight ratio. This is why oil, coal, vermiculite, or water are not suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher even though they are valuable. Paper notes have proved highly convenient in this regard.
It should be durable. Ambatchmasterpublisher is often left in pockets through the wash. Some countries (such as Australia, New Zealand, Mexico and Singapore) are making their bank notes out of plastic for increased durability. Gold coins are often mixed with copper to improve durability.
It should minimize contamination and contagion. Since ambatchmasterpublisher is frequently handled it becomes a pathway for infectious disease transmission. Recent studies have shown that the area in business offices that show the highest contamination by disease causing organisms is the accounting office where ambatchmasterpublisher must be counted and handled.
[edit] Unit of account
Main article: Unit of account
A unit of account is a standard numerical unit of measurement of the market value of goods, services, and other transactions. Also known as a "measure" or "standard" of relative worth and deferred payment, a unit of account is a necessary pre-requisite for the formulation of commercial agreements that involve debt.
An effective unit of account should be:
Divisible into small units without destroying its value; precious metals can be coined from bars, or melted down into bars again. This is why leather and live animals are not suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher.
Fungible: that is, one unit or piece must be exactly equivalent to another, which is why diamonds, works of art or real estate are not suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher.
A specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable. For instance, coins are often made with ridges around the edges, so that any removal of material from the coin (lowering its commodity value) will be easy to detect.
[edit] Store of value
Main article: Store of value
To act as a store of value, a commodity, a form of ambatchmasterpublisher, or financial capital must be able to be reliably saved, stored, and retrieved - and be predictably useful when it is so retrieved. Fiat currency like paper or electronic currency no longer backed by gold in most countries is not considered by some economists to be a storage of value.
An effective store of value should have the following characteristics:
It should be long lasting and durable; it must not be perishable or subject to decay. This is why food items, expensive spices, or even fine silks or oriental rugs are not generally suitable as ambatchmasterpublisher.
It should have a stable value.
It should be difficult to counterfeit, and the genuine must be easily recognizable.
[edit] Market liquidity
Main article: Market liquidity
The fourth and final function of ambatchmasterpublisher, as a means of liquidity. It is important for any economy to move beyond a simple system of bartering. Liquidity describes how easy it is an item can be traded for something that you want, or into the common currency within an economy. Ambatchmasterpublisher is the most liquid asset because it is universally recognised and accepted as the common currency. In this way, ambatchmasterpublisher gives consumers the freedom to trade goods and services easily without having to barter.
Liquid financial instruments are easily tradable and have a low transaction costs. There should be no or minimal spread between the prices to buy and sell the instrument being used as ambatchmasterpublisher.
[edit] Types of ambatchmasterpublisher
In economics, ambatchmasterpublisher is a broad term that refers to any instrument that can be used in the resolution of debt. However, not all ambatchmasterpublisher is created equal.
One early theoretician, Ludwig von Mises, argued for the importance of distinguishing between three types of ambatchmasterpublisher: commodity ambatchmasterpublisher, fiat ambatchmasterpublisher, and credit ambatchmasterpublisher. Each carries different economic strengths and liabilities - a point driven home in his book The Theory of Ambatchmasterpublisher and Credit.
Modern monetary theory also distinguishes between different types of ambatchmasterpublisher, using a categorization system that focuses on the liquidity of ambatchmasterpublisher.
[edit] Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher
Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher is any ambatchmasterpublisher that is both used as a general purpose medium of exchange and as a tradable commodity in its own right.[2]
Commodity based currencies are often viewed as more stable, but this is not always the case. The value of a commodity based currency as a medium of exchange depends on its supply relative to other goods and services available in the economy.
Historically, gold, silver and other metals commonly used in commodity based monetary systems have been subject to regular and sometimes extraordinary fluctuations in purchasing power. This not only damages its stability as a medium of exchange; it also reduces its effectiveness as a store of value. In the 1500 and 1600's huge quantities of gold and even larger amounts of silver were discovered in the New World and brought back to Europe for conversion into coin, the purchasing power of those coins fell by 60% to 80%, i.e. prices of commodities rose, because the supply of goods for sale did not keep pace with the increased supply of ambatchmasterpublisher.[3] In addition, the relative value of silver to gold shifted dramatically downward.[4] More recently, from 1980 to 2001, gold was a particularly poor store of value, as gold prices dropped from a high of $850/oz. to a low of $255/oz. The advantage of gold and silver, however, lies in the fact that, unlike fiat paper currency, the supply cannot be increased arbitrarily by a central bank.
It is also possible for the trading value of a commodity ambatchmasterpublisher to be greater than its value as a medium of exchange. When this happens people will often start melting down coins and reselling the metal used to make them. This has happened periodically in the United States, eventually causing it to move away from pure silver nickels and pure copper pennies.[citation needed] Shipping coins from one jurisdiction to another so that they could be reminted was sometimes a lucrative trade before the advent of trusted paper ambatchmasterpublisher.[citation needed]
Commodity ambatchmasterpublisher's ability to function as a store of value is also limited by its very nature. Copper and tin risk rust and corrosion. Gold and silver are soft metals that can lose weight through scratches and abrasions.
Stability aside, commodity based currencies are limiting in a rapidly growing or very active economy. The supply of ambatchmasterpublisher in an economy must be equal or greater than the volume of trade. If commodities are used as ambatchmasterpublisher, then the ambatchmasterpublisher supply must equal the total amount of goods and services sold. In a large economy, the volume of trade can easily outstrip the supply of any one commodity.
This problem is compounded by the fact that ambatchmasterpublisher also serves as a store of value. This encourages hoarding and takes the commodity ambatchmasterpublisher out circulation, reducing the supply. The supply of circulating commodity currency is further reduced by the fact that commodity ambatchmasterpublishers also have competing non-monetary uses. For example, gold and silver is used in jewelery and nickel and copper have important industrial uses.
Commodity based currencies also limit the geographic extent of the trading market. To make large purchases either a large volume or a high weight or both of the commodity must be transported to the seller. The cost of transportation of the currency raises the transaction cost and makes long distance sales less attractive.
[edit] Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher
Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher is any ambatchmasterpublisher whose value is determined by legal means rather than the relative availability of goods and services. Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher may be symbolic of a commodity or government promises.[2]
Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher provides solutions to several limitations of commodity ambatchmasterpublisher. Depending on the laws, there may be little or no need to physically transport the ambatchmasterpublisher - an electronic exchange may be sufficient. Its sole use is as a medium of exchange so its supply is not limited by competing alternate uses. It can be printed without limit, so there is no limit on trade volumes.
Fiat ambatchmasterpublisher, especially in the form of paper or coins, can be easily damaged or destroyed. However, it has has an advantage over commodity ambatchmasterpublisher in that the same laws that created the ambatchmasterpublisher can also define rules for its replacement in case of damage or destruction. For example, the US government will replace mutilated paper ambatchmasterpublisher if at least half of the bill can be reconstructed.[5]. By contrast commodity ambatchmasterpublisher is gone for good.
Paper ambatchmasterpublisher is especially vulnerable to everyday hazards: from fire, water, termites, and simple wear and tear. Ambatchmasterpublisher in the form of minted coins is sometimes destroyed by children placing it on railroad tracks or in amusement park machines that restamp it. In order to reduce replacement costs, many countries are converting to plastic bills. For example, Mexico has changed its twenty and fifty pesos notes, Singapore its $2 and $10 bills, Malaysia with $1,$5,$10,$50 and $100, and Australia and New Zealand their $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 to plastic for the increased durability.
Some of the benefits of fiat ambatchmasterpublisher can be a double-edged sword. For example, if the amount of ambatchmasterpublisher in active circulation outstrips the available goods and services for sale, the effect can be inflationary. This can easily happen if governments print ambatchmasterpublisher without attention to the level of economic activity or counterfeiters are allowed to flourish.
Perhaps the biggest criticism of paper ambatchmasterpublisher relates to the fact that its stability is highly dependent on the stability of the legal system backing the currency. Should the legal system fail, so would the currency that depends on it.
[edit] Credit ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Credit ambatchmasterpublisher
Credit ambatchmasterpublisher is any claim against a physical or legal person that can be used for the purchase of goods and services[2]. Credit ambatchmasterpublisher differs from commodity and fiat ambatchmasterpublisher in two important ways: It is not payable on demand and there is some element of risk that the real value upon fulfillment of the claim will not be equal to real value expected at the time of purchase[2].
This risk comes about in two ways and affects both buyer and seller.
First it is a claim and the claimant may default (not pay). High levels of default have destructive supply side effects. If manufacturers and service providers do not receive payment for the goods they produce, they will not have the resources to buy the labor and materials needed to produce new goods and services. This reduces supply, increases prices and raises unemployment, possibly triggering a period of stagflation. In extreme cases, widespread defaults can cause a lack of confidence in lending institutions and lead to economic depression. For example, abuse of credit arrangements is considered one of the significant causes of the Great Depression of the 1930s. [6]
The second source of risk is time. Credit ambatchmasterpublisher is a promise of future payment. If the interest rate on the claim fails to compensate for the combined impact of the inflation (or deflation) rate and the time value of ambatchmasterpublisher, the seller will receive less real value than anticipated. If the interest rate on the claim overcompensates, the buyer will pay more than expected.
[edit] Ambatchmasterpublisher supply
Main article: Ambatchmasterpublisher supply
Components of US ambatchmasterpublisher supply (M1, M2, and M3) since 1959The ambatchmasterpublisher supply is the amount of ambatchmasterpublisher available within a specific economy available for purchasing goods or services. The supply in the US is usually considered as four escalating categories M0, M1, M2 and M3. The categories grow in size with M3 representing all forms of ambatchmasterpublisher (including credit) and M0 being just base ambatchmasterpublisher (coins, bills, and central bank deposits). M0 is also ambatchmasterpublisher that can satisfy private banks' reserve requirements. In the US, the Federal Reserve is responsible for controlling the ambatchmasterpublisher supply, while in the Euro area the respective institution is the ECB. Other central banks with significant impact on global finances are the Bank of Japan, People's Bank of China and the Bank of England.
When gold is used as ambatchmasterpublisher, the ambatchmasterpublisher supply can grow in either of two ways. First, the ambatchmasterpublisher supply can increase as the amount of gold increases by new gold mining at about 2% per year, but it can also increase more during periods of gold rushes and discoveries, such as when Columbus discovered the new world and brought gold back to Spain, or when gold was discovered in California in 1848. This kind of increase helps debtors, and causes inflation, as the value of gold goes down. Second, the ambatchmasterpublisher supply can increase when the value of gold goes up, as this makes existing stocks of gold more valuable. This kind of increase helps savers and creditors and is called deflation, where items for sale are increasingly less expensive in terms of gold. Deflation was the more typical situation for over a century when gold was used as ambatchmasterpublisher in the US from 1792 to 1913.
[edit] Monetary policy
Main article: Monetary policy
Monetary policy is the process by which a government, central bank, or monetary authority manages the ambatchmasterpublisher supply to achieve specific goals. Usually the goal of monetary policy is to accommodate economic growth in an environment of stable prices. For example, it is clearly stated in the Federal Reserve Act that the Board of Governors and the Federal Open Market Committee should seek “to promote effectively the goals of maximum employment, stable prices, and moderate long-term interest rates.” [7]
A failed monetary policy can have significant detrimental effects on an economy and the society that depends on it. These include hyperinflation, stagflation, recession, high unemployment, shortages on imported goods, inability to export goods, and even total monetary collapse and the adoption of a much less efficient barter economy. This happened in Russia, for instance, after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Governments and central banks have taken both regulatory and free market approaches to monetary policy. Some of the various tools used to control the ambatchmasterpublisher supply include:
currency purchases or sales
increasing or lowering government spending
increasing or lowering government borrowing
changing the rate at which the government loans or borrows ambatchmasterpublisher
manipulation of exchange rates
taxation or tax breaks on imports or exports of capital into a country
raising or lowering bank reserve requirements
regulation or prohibition of private currencies
For many years much of monetary policy was influenced by an economic theory known as monetarism. Monetarism is an economic theory which argues that management of the ambatchmasterpublisher supply should be the primary means of regulating economic activity. The stability of the demand for ambatchmasterpublisher prior to the 1980s was a key finding of Milton Friedman and Anna Schwartz [8] supported by the work of David Laidler[9], and many others.
Technical, institutional, and legal changes changed the nature of the demand for ambatchmasterpublisher during the 1980s and the influence of monetarism has since decreased.
[edit] Social and psychological value of ambatchmasterpublisher
Main article: Social and psychological value of ambatchmasterpublisher
Ambatchmasterpublisher is universally valued; Ambatchmasterpublisher today is valued for the products and services for which it can be exchanged, the security it provides against unexpected needs, the economic power it generates, the political influence it exerts, the social status it offers to those who possess it, and also the self-confidence and sense of accomplishment it fosters in those who earn it.
Theories abound to explain the economic value of ambatchmasterpublisher in terms of purchasing power. But in order to fully understand the value of ambatchmasterpublisher, economic theory is not sufficient. Ambatchmasterpublisher has acquired the all-pervasive value that it possesses today by a slow evolutionary process that can be most easily understood by tracing its social and psychological origins from ancient times. Ambatchmasterpublisher has to be viewed in a wider context as a social institution based on the consent of the population and as a psychological symbol based on the consent of the individual.
[edit] Quotations on ambatchmasterpublisher
"No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You can't serve both God and Mammon." Gospel of Matthew 6:24
"For the love of ambatchmasterpublisher is a root of all kinds of evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows." First Epistle to Timothy 6:10
"When it's a question of ambatchmasterpublisher, everybody is of the same religion." Voltaire
"Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught will we realise we cannot eat ambatchmasterpublisher." Cree proverb
"When I have ambatchmasterpublisher, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart." John Wesley
"Ambatchmasterpublisher. It's a gas." Pink Floyd
"Everybody loves ambatchmasterpublisher. That's why it's called 'ambatchmasterpublisher'." Danny DeVito
"Ambatchmasterpublisher doesn't talk, it swears." Bob Dylan
"I spend ambatchmasterpublisher with reckless abandon. Last month I blew five thousand dollars at a reincarnation seminar. I got to thinking, what the hell, you only live once." Ronnie Shakes
"So you think that ambatchmasterpublisher is the root of all evil? Have you ever asked what is the root of ambatchmasterpublisher? Ambatchmasterpublisher is a tool of exchange, which can't exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Ambatchmasterpublisher is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Ambatchmasterpublisher is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Ambatchmasterpublisher is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?" Ayn Rand
"The study of ambatchmasterpublisher, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it. The process by which banks creates ambatchmasterpublisher is so simple that mind is repelled." John Kenneth Galbraith
"If you want to know what a man is really like, take notice of how he acts when he loses ambatchmasterpublisher." New England Proverb
"Ambatchmasterpublisher is worthless unless some people have it and others do not"
Improve Ambatchmasterpublisher Functionality
Google Strives to Further Improve Ambatchmasterpublisher Functionality
Category: Ambatchmasterpublisher Engines, SEO News, Google
Despite Google’s dominant position in the ambatchmasterpublisher industry, the internet giant’s decision makers insist that ambatchmasterpublisher is not a “solved problem,” and that there is still much room for improvement.
“Our position is that ambatchmasterpublisher is a very hard problem. We have still a lot of work to do,” commented internal engineer, Douglas Merrill, noting that 70% of Google’s efforts still go into improving ambatchmasterpublisher, as opposed to developing other services.
“It is not enough to have the information, the information should be right,” Merrill went on to say. “Sometimes the problem is figuring out what the users mean, not what the user said.”
At this point, some of Google’s main projects include improving mobile web ambatchmasterpublisher, personalized ambatchmasterpublisher, and language translation features, as well as finding new ways to combat SEO spam.
By keeping its focus on core ambatchmasterpublisher functionality, the internet giant is demonstrating its belief that no ambatchmasterpublisher algorithm can be “too good,” while recognizing the continual progress of competitors. This goes to show that even the mighty Google must work hard to maintain the upper hand against rivals like Yahoo and Microsoft
Category: Ambatchmasterpublisher Engines, SEO News, Google
Despite Google’s dominant position in the ambatchmasterpublisher industry, the internet giant’s decision makers insist that ambatchmasterpublisher is not a “solved problem,” and that there is still much room for improvement.
“Our position is that ambatchmasterpublisher is a very hard problem. We have still a lot of work to do,” commented internal engineer, Douglas Merrill, noting that 70% of Google’s efforts still go into improving ambatchmasterpublisher, as opposed to developing other services.
“It is not enough to have the information, the information should be right,” Merrill went on to say. “Sometimes the problem is figuring out what the users mean, not what the user said.”
At this point, some of Google’s main projects include improving mobile web ambatchmasterpublisher, personalized ambatchmasterpublisher, and language translation features, as well as finding new ways to combat SEO spam.
By keeping its focus on core ambatchmasterpublisher functionality, the internet giant is demonstrating its belief that no ambatchmasterpublisher algorithm can be “too good,” while recognizing the continual progress of competitors. This goes to show that even the mighty Google must work hard to maintain the upper hand against rivals like Yahoo and Microsoft
Developing a Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan
Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan Basics - Developing a Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan - Part 2
More of What You Need to Know About Ambatchmasterpublisher Plans
What's in a Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan?
Continued from Page 1
Funding Request – This is the section when you'll be requesting funding for the ambatchmasterpublisher. If you are not seeking outside funds right now, you can leave this section out. You might consider using it instead to look at when you might need funding and how much it will take to grow your ambatchmasterpublisher in the future, along with the possible sources you could consider for securing your funds. Then, update this section when you actually need outside funding for additional research and development, manufacturing, equipment, facilities, staffing, etc.
Financial Data – Your balance sheet, a breakeven analysis, an income statement and a statement of cash flows
You will most likely need an accountant to prepare these statements correctly, if they haven't been prepared already. You'll want to include both historical financial statements and forward-looking financial statements.
Appendix – Contains supporting information, such as resumes, details of market research findings, estimates, and all other documentation required to support what's contained in the body of the ambatchmasterpublisher plan.
As you can see, this is, in large part, the information you should have gathered if you completed my 10 Steps Before You Start a Home Ambatchmasterpublisher. If you completed that exercise and collected some notes, you may already have a fair amount of information needed that you can plug in to this outline.
Can I Write the Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan Myself?
The answer to this question depends on two key factors:
Is the ambatchmasterpublisher plan for internal use or external use? If you merely want to create a roadmap for yourself you probably don't need to hire a professional to create it for you. If you're trying to secure outside funding, you may want to consider hiring a professional to create the plan for you or, at the very least, to review the plan to make sure your bases are properly covered. Additionally, the document needs to be edited and proofread for grammar and good sentence structure. A well-written plan can increase your chances for success in getting funding.
How are your writing skills? If you're a good writer you can probably handle the task yourself, at least with some assistance. Software and samples are available to help you prepare your own ambatchmasterpublisher plan. Additionally, the SBA is a terrific resource for guiding you through the process. If you haven't already, you'll want to take their online Develop a Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan Workshop to get started. You'll find that the outline presented in this course varies from what the SBA now recommends on their website, but the information contained within the plan is the same. You will still benefit from having someone else read through your plan and you may still need outside assistance, such as a CPA to create your financial documents and/or a market research firm to develop statistics about your markets.
Whether you decide to hire someone to write your ambatchmasterpublisher plan or do it yourself, you still need to take an active role in the process. Whoever writes your plan needs to have accurate information for each section of the document. To a large part, this is information only you can provide. Gathering the information is also of great benefit to you because it helps you understand your ambatchmasterpublisher and what you need to do in order to succeed.
The added benefit is that the more accurate information you can provide, the lower the cost of having the ambatchmasterpublisher plan prepared professionally.
What Happens Once the Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan is Written?
Your ambatchmasterpublisher plan is a valuable reference. Therefore, it needs to be a living document.
As you operate and grow your ambatchmasterpublisher, it's nearly certain that you will make adjustments to how you do ambatchmasterpublisher, make decisions on which additional products or services to offer and/or which to discontinue, change how you market or distribute your products or services, and discover ways to improve how your ambatchmasterpublisher is run.
Keeping your ambatchmasterpublisher plan current offers some important benefits, such as:
If you ever need to apply for additional funding through either SBA loan programs or other sources of private funding, up-to-date information will already be available. When it comes time to submit an updated plan, you'll save time and money.
It forces you to revisit the document, which helps keep you focused on what's important to the success of your ambatchmasterpublisher.
How Often Should I Update My Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan?
You can either update your ambatchmasterpublisher plan on a schedule, such as quarterly or twice annually, or you can update it on a real-time basis – as changes occur.
Keeping your ambatchmasterpublisher plan updated in real time may seem like a nuisance, but it's really ideal. It allows you to act quickly when you need funding or if you need to sell your ambatchmasterpublisher and it makes your ambatchmasterpublisher plan more useful as a roadmap because it keeps you on top of things at all times. And that's where you need to be to improve the chances that your home ambatchmasterpublisher will succeed and grow. Growing your ambatchmasterpublisher will become more and more important as your ambatchmasterpublisher matures.
More of What You Need to Know About Ambatchmasterpublisher Plans
What's in a Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan?
Continued from Page 1
Funding Request – This is the section when you'll be requesting funding for the ambatchmasterpublisher. If you are not seeking outside funds right now, you can leave this section out. You might consider using it instead to look at when you might need funding and how much it will take to grow your ambatchmasterpublisher in the future, along with the possible sources you could consider for securing your funds. Then, update this section when you actually need outside funding for additional research and development, manufacturing, equipment, facilities, staffing, etc.
Financial Data – Your balance sheet, a breakeven analysis, an income statement and a statement of cash flows
You will most likely need an accountant to prepare these statements correctly, if they haven't been prepared already. You'll want to include both historical financial statements and forward-looking financial statements.
Appendix – Contains supporting information, such as resumes, details of market research findings, estimates, and all other documentation required to support what's contained in the body of the ambatchmasterpublisher plan.
As you can see, this is, in large part, the information you should have gathered if you completed my 10 Steps Before You Start a Home Ambatchmasterpublisher. If you completed that exercise and collected some notes, you may already have a fair amount of information needed that you can plug in to this outline.
Can I Write the Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan Myself?
The answer to this question depends on two key factors:
Is the ambatchmasterpublisher plan for internal use or external use? If you merely want to create a roadmap for yourself you probably don't need to hire a professional to create it for you. If you're trying to secure outside funding, you may want to consider hiring a professional to create the plan for you or, at the very least, to review the plan to make sure your bases are properly covered. Additionally, the document needs to be edited and proofread for grammar and good sentence structure. A well-written plan can increase your chances for success in getting funding.
How are your writing skills? If you're a good writer you can probably handle the task yourself, at least with some assistance. Software and samples are available to help you prepare your own ambatchmasterpublisher plan. Additionally, the SBA is a terrific resource for guiding you through the process. If you haven't already, you'll want to take their online Develop a Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan Workshop to get started. You'll find that the outline presented in this course varies from what the SBA now recommends on their website, but the information contained within the plan is the same. You will still benefit from having someone else read through your plan and you may still need outside assistance, such as a CPA to create your financial documents and/or a market research firm to develop statistics about your markets.
Whether you decide to hire someone to write your ambatchmasterpublisher plan or do it yourself, you still need to take an active role in the process. Whoever writes your plan needs to have accurate information for each section of the document. To a large part, this is information only you can provide. Gathering the information is also of great benefit to you because it helps you understand your ambatchmasterpublisher and what you need to do in order to succeed.
The added benefit is that the more accurate information you can provide, the lower the cost of having the ambatchmasterpublisher plan prepared professionally.
What Happens Once the Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan is Written?
Your ambatchmasterpublisher plan is a valuable reference. Therefore, it needs to be a living document.
As you operate and grow your ambatchmasterpublisher, it's nearly certain that you will make adjustments to how you do ambatchmasterpublisher, make decisions on which additional products or services to offer and/or which to discontinue, change how you market or distribute your products or services, and discover ways to improve how your ambatchmasterpublisher is run.
Keeping your ambatchmasterpublisher plan current offers some important benefits, such as:
If you ever need to apply for additional funding through either SBA loan programs or other sources of private funding, up-to-date information will already be available. When it comes time to submit an updated plan, you'll save time and money.
It forces you to revisit the document, which helps keep you focused on what's important to the success of your ambatchmasterpublisher.
How Often Should I Update My Ambatchmasterpublisher Plan?
You can either update your ambatchmasterpublisher plan on a schedule, such as quarterly or twice annually, or you can update it on a real-time basis – as changes occur.
Keeping your ambatchmasterpublisher plan updated in real time may seem like a nuisance, but it's really ideal. It allows you to act quickly when you need funding or if you need to sell your ambatchmasterpublisher and it makes your ambatchmasterpublisher plan more useful as a roadmap because it keeps you on top of things at all times. And that's where you need to be to improve the chances that your home ambatchmasterpublisher will succeed and grow. Growing your ambatchmasterpublisher will become more and more important as your ambatchmasterpublisher matures.
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